Distributed memory¶

class meshmode.distributed.InterRankBoundaryInfo(local_part_id: Hashable, remote_part_id: Hashable, remote_rank: int, local_boundary_connection: DirectDiscretizationConnection)[source]¶

An opaque, hashable, picklable identifier for the local part.


An opaque, hashable, picklable identifier for the remote part.


The MPI rank with which this boundary communicates.


A DirectDiscretizationConnection from the volume onto the boundary described by BTAG_PARTITION(remote_part_id).

__init__(local_part_id: Hashable, remote_part_id: Hashable, remote_rank: int, local_boundary_connection: DirectDiscretizationConnection) None¶
class meshmode.distributed.MPIBoundaryCommSetupHelper(mpi_comm: mpi4py.MPI.Intracomm, actx: ArrayContext, inter_rank_bdry_info: Sequence[InterRankBoundaryInfo] | Mapping[int, DirectDiscretizationConnection], bdry_grp_factory: ElementGroupFactory)[source]¶

Helper for setting up inter-part facial data exchange.

__init__(mpi_comm: mpi4py.MPI.Intracomm, actx: ArrayContext, inter_rank_bdry_info: Sequence[InterRankBoundaryInfo] | Mapping[int, DirectDiscretizationConnection], bdry_grp_factory: ElementGroupFactory)[source]¶

bdry_grp_factory – Group factory to use when creating the remote-to-local boundary connections

__exit__(type, value, traceback)[source]¶

Returns a dict mapping a subset of remote parts to remote-to-local boundary connections, where a remote-to-local boundary connection is a DirectDiscretizationConnection that performs data exchange across faces from part i_remote_part to the local mesh. When an empty dictionary is returned, setup is complete.

meshmode.distributed.get_partition_by_pymetis(mesh, num_parts, *, connectivity='facial', **kwargs)[source]¶

Return a mesh partition created by pymetis.

  • mesh – A meshmode.mesh.Mesh instance

  • num_parts – the number of parts in the mesh partition

  • connectivity – the adjacency graph to be used for partitioning. Either "facial" or "nodal" (based on vertices).

  • kwargs – Passed unmodified to pymetis.part_graph().


a numpy.ndarray with one entry per element indicating to which part each element belongs, with entries between 0 and num_parts-1.

Changed in version 2020.2: connectivity was added.

meshmode.distributed.membership_list_to_map(membership_list: ndarray[Any, Any]) Mapping[Hashable, ndarray][source]¶

Convert a numpy.ndarray that maps an index to a key into a dict that maps a key to a set of indices (with each set of indices stored as a sorted numpy.ndarray).

meshmode.distributed.get_connected_parts(mesh: Mesh) Sequence[Hashable][source]¶

For a local mesh part in mesh, determine the set of connected parts.

class meshmode.distributed.RemoteGroupInfo(inter_part_adj_groups: list[meshmode.mesh.InterPartAdjacencyGroup], vol_elem_indices: numpy.ndarray, bdry_elem_indices: numpy.ndarray, bdry_faces: numpy.ndarray)[source]¶
class meshmode.distributed.make_remote_group_infos(actx: ArrayContext, remote_part_id: Hashable, bdry_conn: DirectDiscretizationConnection)[source]¶