Source code for grudge.geometry.metrics

.. currentmodule:: grudge.geometry

Coordinate transformations

.. autofunction:: forward_metric_nth_derivative
.. autofunction:: forward_metric_derivative_mat
.. autofunction:: inverse_metric_derivative_mat

.. autofunction:: first_fundamental_form
.. autofunction:: inverse_first_fundamental_form

Geometry terms

.. autofunction:: inverse_surface_metric_derivative
.. autofunction:: pseudoscalar
.. autofunction:: area_element

Normal vectors

.. autofunction:: normal

Curvature tensors

.. autofunction:: second_fundamental_form
.. autofunction:: shape_operator
.. autofunction:: summed_curvature

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Copyright (C) 2021 University of Illinois Board of Trustees

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import numpy as np

from grudge import DiscretizationCollection
from arraycontext import thaw, freeze, ArrayContext
from meshmode.dof_array import DOFArray

from grudge.dof_desc import (

from pymbolic.geometric_algebra import MultiVector

from pytools.obj_array import make_obj_array
from pytools import memoize_in

# {{{ Metric computations

[docs]def forward_metric_nth_derivative( actx: ArrayContext, dcoll: DiscretizationCollection, xyz_axis, ref_axes, dd=None) -> DOFArray: r"""Pointwise metric derivatives representing repeated derivatives of the physical coordinate enumerated by *xyz_axis*: :math:`x_{\mathrm{xyz\_axis}}` with respect to the coordiantes on the reference element :math:`\xi_i`: .. math:: D^\alpha x_{\mathrm{xyz\_axis}} = \frac{\partial^{|\alpha|} x_{\mathrm{xyz\_axis}} }{ \partial \xi_1^{\alpha_1}\cdots \partial \xi_m^{\alpha_m}} where :math:`\alpha` is a multi-index described by *ref_axes*. :arg xyz_axis: an integer denoting which physical coordinate to differentiate. :arg ref_axes: a :class:`tuple` of tuples indicating indices of coordinate axes of the reference element to the number of derivatives which will be taken. For example, the value ``((0, 2), (1, 1))`` indicates taking the second derivative with respect to the first axis and the first derivative with respect to the second axis. Each axis must occur only once and the tuple must be sorted by the axis index. :arg dd: a :class:`~grudge.dof_desc.DOFDesc`, or a value convertible to one. Defaults to the base volume discretization. :returns: a :class:`~meshmode.dof_array.DOFArray` containing the pointwise metric derivative at each nodal coordinate. """ if dd is None: dd = DD_VOLUME inner_dd = dd.with_discr_tag(DISCR_TAG_BASE) if isinstance(ref_axes, int): ref_axes = ((ref_axes, 1),) if not isinstance(ref_axes, tuple): raise ValueError("ref_axes must be a tuple") if tuple(sorted(ref_axes)) != ref_axes: raise ValueError("ref_axes must be sorted") if len(set(ref_axes)) != len(ref_axes): raise ValueError("ref_axes must not contain an axis more than once") from pytools import flatten flat_ref_axes = flatten([rst_axis] * n for rst_axis, n in ref_axes) from meshmode.discretization import num_reference_derivative vec = num_reference_derivative( dcoll.discr_from_dd(inner_dd), flat_ref_axes, thaw(dcoll.discr_from_dd(inner_dd).nodes(), actx)[xyz_axis] ) if dd.uses_quadrature(): vec = dcoll.connection_from_dds(inner_dd, dd)(vec) return vec
def forward_metric_derivative_vector( actx: ArrayContext, dcoll: DiscretizationCollection, rst_axis, dd=None ) -> np.ndarray: r"""Computes an object array containing the forward metric derivatives of each physical coordinate. :arg rst_axis: a :class:`tuple` of tuples indicating indices of coordinate axes of the reference element to the number of derivatives which will be taken. :arg dd: a :class:`~grudge.dof_desc.DOFDesc`, or a value convertible to one. Defaults to the base volume discretization. :returns: an object array of :class:`~meshmode.dof_array.DOFArray`\ s containing the pointwise metric derivatives at each nodal coordinate. """ return make_obj_array([ forward_metric_nth_derivative(actx, dcoll, i, rst_axis, dd=dd) for i in range(dcoll.ambient_dim) ] ) def forward_metric_derivative_mv( actx: ArrayContext, dcoll: DiscretizationCollection, rst_axis, dd=None ) -> MultiVector: r"""Computes a :class:`pymbolic.geometric_algebra.MultiVector` containing the forward metric derivatives of each physical coordinate. :arg rst_axis: a :class:`tuple` of tuples indicating indices of coordinate axes of the reference element to the number of derivatives which will be taken. :arg dd: a :class:`~grudge.dof_desc.DOFDesc`, or a value convertible to one. Defaults to the base volume discretization. :returns: a :class:`pymbolic.geometric_algebra.MultiVector` containing the forward metric derivatives in each physical coordinate. """ return MultiVector( forward_metric_derivative_vector(actx, dcoll, rst_axis, dd=dd) )
[docs]def forward_metric_derivative_mat( actx: ArrayContext, dcoll: DiscretizationCollection, dd=None ) -> np.ndarray: r"""Computes the forward metric derivative matrix, also commonly called the Jacobian matrix, with entries defined as the forward metric derivatives: .. math:: J = \left\lbrack \frac{\partial x_i}{\partial \xi_j} \right\rbrack_{(0, 0) \leq (i, j) \leq (n, m)} where :math:`x_1, \dots, x_n` denote the physical coordinates and :math:`\xi_1, \dots, \xi_m` denote coordinates on the reference element. Note that, in the case of immersed manifolds, `J` is not necessarily a square matrix. :arg dd: a :class:`~grudge.dof_desc.DOFDesc`, or a value convertible to one. Defaults to the base volume discretization. :returns: a matrix containing the evaluated forward metric derivatives of each physical coordinate, with respect to each reference coordinate. """ ambient_dim = dcoll.ambient_dim if dd is None: dd = DD_VOLUME dim = dcoll.discr_from_dd(dd).dim result = np.zeros((ambient_dim, dim), dtype=object) for j in range(dim): result[:, j] = forward_metric_derivative_vector(actx, dcoll, j, dd=dd) return result
[docs]def first_fundamental_form(actx: ArrayContext, dcoll: DiscretizationCollection, dd=None) -> np.ndarray: r"""Computes the first fundamental form using the Jacobian matrix: .. math:: \begin{bmatrix} E & F \\ F & G \end{bmatrix} := \begin{bmatrix} (\partial_u x)^2 & \partial_u x \partial_v x \\ \partial_u x \partial_v x & (\partial_v x)^2 \end{bmatrix} = J^T \cdot J where :math:`u, v` are coordinates on the parameterized surface and :math:`x(u, v)` defines a parameterized region. Here, :math:`J` is the corresponding Jacobian matrix. :arg dd: a :class:`~grudge.dof_desc.DOFDesc`, or a value convertible to one. Defaults to the base volume discretization. :returns: a matrix containing coefficients of the first fundamental form. """ if dd is None: dd = DD_VOLUME mder = forward_metric_derivative_mat(actx, dcoll, dd=dd) return
[docs]def inverse_metric_derivative_mat( actx: ArrayContext, dcoll: DiscretizationCollection, dd=None ) -> np.ndarray: r"""Computes the inverse metric derivative matrix, which is the inverse of the Jacobian (forward metric derivative) matrix. :arg dd: a :class:`~grudge.dof_desc.DOFDesc`, or a value convertible to one. Defaults to the base volume discretization. :returns: a matrix containing the evaluated inverse metric derivatives. """ ambient_dim = dcoll.ambient_dim if dd is None: dd = DD_VOLUME dim = dcoll.discr_from_dd(dd).dim result = np.zeros((ambient_dim, dim), dtype=object) for i in range(dim): for j in range(ambient_dim): result[i, j] = inverse_metric_derivative( actx, dcoll, i, j, dd=dd ) return result
[docs]def inverse_first_fundamental_form( actx: ArrayContext, dcoll: DiscretizationCollection, dd=None ) -> np.ndarray: r"""Computes the inverse of the first fundamental form: .. math:: \begin{bmatrix} E & F \\ F & G \end{bmatrix}^{-1} = \frac{1}{E G - F^2} \begin{bmatrix} G & -F \\ -F & E \end{bmatrix} where :math:`E, F, G` are coefficients of the first fundamental form. :arg dd: a :class:`~grudge.dof_desc.DOFDesc`, or a value convertible to one. Defaults to the base volume discretization. :returns: a matrix containing coefficients of the inverse of the first fundamental form. """ if dd is None: dd = DD_VOLUME dim = dcoll.discr_from_dd(dd).dim if dcoll.ambient_dim == dim: inv_mder = inverse_metric_derivative_mat(actx, dcoll, dd=dd) inv_form1 = else: form1 = first_fundamental_form(actx, dcoll, dd=dd) if dim == 1: inv_form1 = 1.0 / form1 elif dim == 2: (E, F), (_, G) = form1 # noqa: N806 inv_form1 = 1.0 / (E * G - F * F) * np.stack( [make_obj_array([G, -F]), make_obj_array([-F, E])] ) else: raise ValueError(f"{dim}D surfaces not supported" % dim) return inv_form1
def inverse_metric_derivative( actx: ArrayContext, dcoll: DiscretizationCollection, rst_axis, xyz_axis, dd ) -> DOFArray: r"""Computes the inverse metric derivative of the physical coordinate enumerated by *xyz_axis* with respect to the reference axis *rst_axis*. :arg rst_axis: an integer denoting the reference coordinate axis. :arg xyz_axis: an integer denoting the physical coordinate axis. :arg dd: a :class:`~grudge.dof_desc.DOFDesc`, or a value convertible to one. Defaults to the base volume discretization. :returns: a :class:`~meshmode.dof_array.DOFArray` containing the inverse metric derivative at each nodal coordinate. """ dim = dcoll.dim if dim != dcoll.ambient_dim: raise ValueError( "Not clear what inverse_metric_derivative means if " "the derivative matrix is not square!" ) par_vecs = [forward_metric_derivative_mv(actx, dcoll, rst, dd) for rst in range(dim)] # Yay Cramer's rule! from functools import reduce, partial from operator import xor as outerprod_op outerprod = partial(reduce, outerprod_op) def outprod_with_unit(i, at): unit_vec = np.zeros(dim) unit_vec[i] = 1 vecs = par_vecs[:] vecs[at] = MultiVector(unit_vec) return outerprod(vecs) volume_pseudoscalar_inv = outerprod( forward_metric_derivative_mv(actx, dcoll, rst_axis, dd) for rst_axis in range(dim) ).inv() result = (outprod_with_unit(xyz_axis, rst_axis) * volume_pseudoscalar_inv).as_scalar() return result
[docs]def inverse_surface_metric_derivative( actx: ArrayContext, dcoll: DiscretizationCollection, rst_axis, xyz_axis, dd=None): r"""Computes the inverse surface metric derivative of the physical coordinate enumerated by *xyz_axis* with respect to the reference axis *rst_axis*. These geometric terms are used in the transformation of physical gradients. :arg rst_axis: an integer denoting the reference coordinate axis. :arg xyz_axis: an integer denoting the physical coordinate axis. :arg dd: a :class:`~grudge.dof_desc.DOFDesc`, or a value convertible to one. Defaults to the base volume discretization. :returns: a :class:`~meshmode.dof_array.DOFArray` containing the inverse metric derivative at each nodal coordinate. """ dim = dcoll.dim ambient_dim = dcoll.ambient_dim @memoize_in(dcoll, (inverse_surface_metric_derivative, dd, "inv_metric_deriv_rst%s_xyz%s_adim%s_gdim%s" % (rst_axis, xyz_axis, ambient_dim, dim))) def _inv_surf_metric_deriv(): if ambient_dim == dim: imd = inverse_metric_derivative( actx, dcoll, rst_axis, xyz_axis, dd=dd ) else: inv_form1 = inverse_first_fundamental_form(actx, dcoll, dd=dd) imd = sum( inv_form1[rst_axis, d]*forward_metric_nth_derivative( actx, dcoll, xyz_axis, d, dd=dd ) for d in range(dim) ) return freeze(imd, actx) return thaw(_inv_surf_metric_deriv(), actx)
def _signed_face_ones( actx: ArrayContext, dcoll: DiscretizationCollection, dd ) -> DOFArray: assert dd.is_trace() # NOTE: ignore quadrature_tags on dd, since we only care about # the face_id here all_faces_conn = dcoll.connection_from_dds( DD_VOLUME, DOFDesc(dd.domain_tag) ) signed_face_ones = dcoll.discr_from_dd(dd).zeros( actx, dtype=dcoll.real_dtype ) + 1 for igrp, grp in enumerate(all_faces_conn.groups): for batch in grp.batches: i = actx.thaw(batch.to_element_indices) grp_field = signed_face_ones[igrp].reshape(-1) grp_field[i] = \ (2.0 * (batch.to_element_face % 2) - 1.0) * grp_field[i] return signed_face_ones def parametrization_derivative( actx: ArrayContext, dcoll: DiscretizationCollection, dd ) -> MultiVector: r"""Computes the product of forward metric derivatives spanning the tangent space with topological dimension *dim*. :arg dd: a :class:`~grudge.dof_desc.DOFDesc`, or a value convertible to one. Defaults to the base volume discretization. :returns: a :class:`pymbolic.geometric_algebra.MultiVector` containing the product of metric derivatives. """ if dd is None: dd = DD_VOLUME dim = dcoll.discr_from_dd(dd).dim if dim == 0: from pymbolic.geometric_algebra import get_euclidean_space return MultiVector( _signed_face_ones(actx, dcoll, dd), space=get_euclidean_space(dcoll.ambient_dim) ) from pytools import product return product( forward_metric_derivative_mv(actx, dcoll, rst_axis, dd) for rst_axis in range(dim) )
[docs]def pseudoscalar(actx: ArrayContext, dcoll: DiscretizationCollection, dd=None) -> MultiVector: r"""Computes the field of pseudoscalars for the domain/discretization identified by *dd*. :arg dd: a :class:`~grudge.dof_desc.DOFDesc`, or a value convertible to one. Defaults to the base volume discretization. :returns: A :class:`~pymbolic.geometric_algebra.MultiVector` of :class:`~meshmode.dof_array.DOFArray`\ s. """ if dd is None: dd = DD_VOLUME return parametrization_derivative(actx, dcoll, dd).project_max_grade()
[docs]def area_element( actx: ArrayContext, dcoll: DiscretizationCollection, dd=None ) -> DOFArray: r"""Computes the scale factor used to transform integrals from reference to global space. :arg dd: a :class:`~grudge.dof_desc.DOFDesc`, or a value convertible to one. Defaults to the base volume discretization. :returns: a :class:`~meshmode.dof_array.DOFArray` containing the transformed volumes for each element. """ if dd is None: dd = DD_VOLUME dim = dcoll.discr_from_dd(dd).dim @memoize_in(dcoll, (area_element, dd, "area_elements_adim%s_gdim%s" % (dcoll.ambient_dim, dim))) def _area_elements(): return freeze( pseudoscalar(actx, dcoll, dd=dd).norm_squared()), actx) return thaw(_area_elements(), actx)
# }}} # {{{ Surface normal vectors def rel_mv_normal( actx: ArrayContext, dcoll: DiscretizationCollection, dd=None) -> MultiVector: r"""Computes surface normals at each nodal location as a :class:`~pymbolic.geometric_algebra.MultiVector` relative to the pseudoscalar of the discretization described by *dd*. :arg dd: a :class:`~grudge.dof_desc.DOFDesc`, or a value convertible to one. """ import grudge.dof_desc as dof_desc dd = dof_desc.as_dofdesc(dd) # NOTE: Don't be tempted to add a sign here. As it is, it produces # exterior normals for positively oriented curves. pder = pseudoscalar(actx, dcoll, dd=dd) / area_element(actx, dcoll, dd=dd) # Dorst Section 3.7.2 return pder << pder.I.inv() def mv_normal( actx: ArrayContext, dcoll: DiscretizationCollection, dd, ) -> MultiVector: """Exterior unit normal as a :class:`~pymbolic.geometric_algebra.MultiVector`. This supports both volume discretizations (where ambient == topological dimension) and surface discretizations (where ambient == topological dimension + 1). In the latter case, extra processing ensures that the returned normal is in the local tangent space of the element at the point where the normal is being evaluated. :arg dd: a :class:`~grudge.dof_desc.DOFDesc` as the surface discretization. :returns: a :class:`~pymbolic.geometric_algebra.MultiVector` containing the unit normals. """ import grudge.dof_desc as dof_desc dd = dof_desc.as_dofdesc(dd) dim = dcoll.discr_from_dd(dd).dim ambient_dim = dcoll.ambient_dim if dim == ambient_dim: raise ValueError("may only request normals on domains whose topological " f"dimension ({dim}) differs from " f"their ambient dimension ({ambient_dim})") if dim == ambient_dim - 1: return rel_mv_normal(actx, dcoll, dd=dd) # NOTE: In the case of (d - 2)-dimensional curves, we don't really have # enough information on the face to decide what an "exterior face normal" # is (e.g the "normal" to a 1D curve in 3D space is actually a # "normal plane") # # The trick done here is that we take the surface normal, move it to the # face and then take a cross product with the face tangent to get the # correct exterior face normal vector. assert dim == ambient_dim - 2 from grudge.op import project import grudge.dof_desc as dof_desc volm_normal = MultiVector( project(dcoll, dof_desc.DD_VOLUME, dd, rel_mv_normal( actx, dcoll, dd=dof_desc.DD_VOLUME ).as_vector(dtype=object)) ) pder = pseudoscalar(actx, dcoll, dd=dd) mv = -(volm_normal ^ pder) << volm_normal.I.inv() return mv /
[docs]def normal(actx: ArrayContext, dcoll: DiscretizationCollection, dd): """Get the unit normal to the specified surface discretization, *dd*. This supports both volume discretizations (where ambient == topological dimension) and surface discretizations (where ambient == topological dimension + 1). In the latter case, extra processing ensures that the returned normal is in the local tangent space of the element at the point where the normal is being evaluated. :arg dd: a :class:`~grudge.dof_desc.DOFDesc` as the surface discretization. :returns: an object array of :class:`~meshmode.dof_array.DOFArray` containing the unit normals at each nodal location. """ return mv_normal(actx, dcoll, dd).as_vector(dtype=object)
# }}} # {{{ Curvature computations
[docs]def second_fundamental_form( actx: ArrayContext, dcoll: DiscretizationCollection, dd=None ) -> np.ndarray: r"""Computes the second fundamental form: .. math:: S(x) = \begin{bmatrix} \partial_{uu} x\cdot n & \partial_{uv} x\cdot n \\ \partial_{uv} x\cdot n & \partial_{vv} x\cdot n \end{bmatrix} where :math:`n` is the surface normal, :math:`x(u, v)` defines a parameterized surface, and :math:`u,v` are coordinates on the parameterized surface. :arg dd: a :class:`~grudge.dof_desc.DOFDesc`, or a value convertible to one. :returns: a rank-2 object array describing second fundamental form. """ if dd is None: dd = DD_VOLUME dim = dcoll.discr_from_dd(dd).dim normal = rel_mv_normal(actx, dcoll, dd=dd).as_vector(dtype=object) if dim == 1: second_ref_axes = [((0, 2),)] elif dim == 2: second_ref_axes = [((0, 2),), ((0, 1), (1, 1)), ((1, 2),)] else: raise ValueError("%dD surfaces not supported" % dim) from pytools import flatten form2 = np.empty((dim, dim), dtype=object) for ref_axes in second_ref_axes: i, j = flatten([rst_axis] * n for rst_axis, n in ref_axes) ruv = make_obj_array( [forward_metric_nth_derivative(actx, dcoll, xyz_axis, ref_axes, dd=dd) for xyz_axis in range(dcoll.ambient_dim)] ) form2[i, j] = form2[j, i] = return form2
[docs]def shape_operator(actx: ArrayContext, dcoll: DiscretizationCollection, dd=None) -> np.ndarray: r"""Computes the shape operator (also called the curvature tensor) containing second order derivatives: .. math:: C(x) = \begin{bmatrix} \partial_{uu} x & \partial_{uv} x \\ \partial_{uv} x & \partial_{vv} x \end{bmatrix} where :math:`x(u, v)` defines a parameterized surface, and :math:`u,v` are coordinates on the parameterized surface. :arg dd: a :class:`~grudge.dof_desc.DOFDesc`, or a value convertible to one. :returns: a rank-2 object array describing the shape operator. """ inv_form1 = inverse_first_fundamental_form(actx, dcoll, dd=dd) form2 = second_fundamental_form(actx, dcoll, dd=dd) return
[docs]def summed_curvature(actx: ArrayContext, dcoll: DiscretizationCollection, dd=None) -> DOFArray: r"""Computes the sum of the principal curvatures: .. math:: \kappa = \operatorname{Trace}(C(x)) where :math:`x(u, v)` defines a parameterized surface, :math:`u,v` are coordinates on the parameterized surface, and :math:`C(x)` is the shape operator. :arg dd: a :class:`~grudge.dof_desc.DOFDesc`, or a value convertible to one. :returns: a :class:`~meshmode.dof_array.DOFArray` containing the summed curvature at each nodal coordinate. """ if dd is None: dd = DD_VOLUME dim = dcoll.ambient_dim - 1 if dcoll.ambient_dim == 1: return 0.0 if dcoll.ambient_dim == dim: return 0.0 return np.trace(shape_operator(actx, dcoll, dd=dd))
# }}} # vim: foldmethod=marker