Usage Reference for pyvisfile.vtk¶


Vector formats¶


[[x0, y0, z0], [x1, y1, z1]]


[[x0, x1], [y0, y1], [z0, z1]]

Element types¶


XML elements¶

class pyvisfile.vtk.XMLElementBase[source]¶

Base type for XML elements.

children: List[str | XMLElement]¶
add_child(child: str | XMLElement) None[source]¶

Append a new child to the current element.

class pyvisfile.vtk.XMLElement(tag: str, **attributes: Any)[source]¶

Bases: XMLElementBase

__init__(tag: str, **attributes: Any) None[source]¶
copy(children: Sequence[str | XMLElement] | None = None) XMLElement[source]¶

Make a copy of the element with new children.

write(fd: TextIO) None[source]¶

Write the current element and all of its children to a file.


fd – a file descriptor or another object exposing the required methods.

class pyvisfile.vtk.XMLRoot(child: str | XMLElement | None = None)[source]¶

Bases: XMLElementBase

__init__(child: str | XMLElement | None = None) None[source]¶
write(fd: TextIO) None[source]¶

Write the current root and all of its children to a file.


fd – a file descriptor or another object exposing the required methods.

Binary encoders¶

class pyvisfile.vtk.EncodedBuffer[source]¶

An interface for binary buffers for XML data (inline and appended).

abstractmethod encoder() str[source]¶

An identifier for the binary encoding used.

abstractmethod compressor() str | None[source]¶

An identifier for the compressor used or None.

abstractmethod raw_buffer() ByteString[source]¶

The raw buffer object that was used to construct this encoded buffer.

abstractmethod add_to_xml_element(xml_element: XMLElement) int[source]¶

Add encoded buffer to the given xml_element.


total size of encoded buffer in bytes.

class pyvisfile.vtk.BinaryEncodedBuffer(buffer: ByteString)[source]¶

Bases: EncodedBuffer

An encoded buffer that uses raw uncompressed binary data.

__init__(buffer: ByteString) None[source]¶
class pyvisfile.vtk.Base64EncodedBuffer(buffer: memoryview)[source]¶

Bases: EncodedBuffer

An encoded buffer that uses base64 data.

__init__(buffer: memoryview) None[source]¶
class pyvisfile.vtk.Base64ZLibEncodedBuffer(buffer: ByteString)[source]¶

Bases: EncodedBuffer

An encoded buffer that uses base64 and zlib compression.

__init__(buffer: ByteString) None[source]¶

Building blocks¶

class pyvisfile.vtk.Visitable[source]¶

A generic class for objects that can be mapped to XML elements.

generator_method: ClassVar[str]¶

Name of the method called in invoke_visitor().

invoke_visitor(visitor: XMLGenerator) XMLElement[source]¶

Visit the current object with the given visitor and generate the corresponding XML element.

class pyvisfile.vtk.DataArray(name: str, container: Any, vector_padding: int = 3, vector_format: int = 0, components: int | None = None)[source]¶

Bases: Visitable

A representation of a generic VTK DataArray.

The storage format (inline or appended) is determined by the XMLGenerator at writing time.

__init__(name: str, container: Any, vector_padding: int = 3, vector_format: int = 0, components: int | None = None) None[source]¶
get_encoded_buffer(encoder: str, compressor: str | None = None) EncodedBuffer[source]¶

Re-encode the underlying buffer of the current DataArray.

  • encoder – new encoder name.

  • compressor – new compressor name.

encode(compressor: str | None, xml_element: XMLElement) int[source]¶

Encode the underlying buffer with the given compressor and add it to the xml_element.

The re-encoding is performed using get_encoded_buffer() and the result is added to the element using EncodedBuffer.add_to_xml_element(). The encoding is always done in base64.

class pyvisfile.vtk.UnstructuredGrid(points: tuple[int, DataArray], cells: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]] | tuple[int, DataArray, DataArray], cell_types: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]] | DataArray)[source]¶

Bases: Visitable

__init__(points: tuple[int, DataArray], cells: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]] | tuple[int, DataArray, DataArray], cell_types: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]] | DataArray) None[source]¶
  • points – a tuple containing the point count and a DataArray with the actual coordinates.

  • cells – if it is only an ndarray, then it is assumed that all the cells in the grid are uniform and have a fixed number of vertices. Otherwise, a tuple of (ncells, connectivity, offsets) should be provided.

  • cell_types – a DataArray or ndarray of cell types.

vtk_extension() str[source]¶

Recommended extension for unstructured VTK grids.

add_pointdata(data_array: DataArray) None[source]¶

Add point data to the grid.

add_celldata(data_array: DataArray) None[source]¶

Add cell data to the grid.

class pyvisfile.vtk.StructuredGrid(mesh: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]])[source]¶

Bases: Visitable

__init__(mesh: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]) None[source]¶

mesh – has shape (ndims, nx, ny, nz), depending on the dimension.

vtk_extension() str[source]¶

Recommended extension for structured VTK grids.

add_pointdata(data_array: DataArray) None[source]¶

Add point data to the grid.

add_celldata(data_array: DataArray) None[source]¶

Add cell data to the grid.

XML generators¶

class pyvisfile.vtk.XMLGenerator(compressor: str | None = None, vtk_file_version: str | None = None)[source]¶
__init__(compressor: str | None = None, vtk_file_version: str | None = None) None[source]¶

vtk_file_version –

a string "x.y" with the desired VTK XML file format version. Relevant versions are as follows:

  • "0.1" is the original version.

  • "1.0" added support for 64-bit indices and offsets, as described here.

  • "2.0" added support for ghost array data, as described here.

  • "2.1": added support for writing additional information attached to a DataArray using information keys.

  • "2.2": changed the node numbering of the hexahedron, as described here.

__call__(vtkobj: Visitable) XMLRoot[source]¶

Generate an XML tree from the given vtkobj.

class pyvisfile.vtk.InlineXMLGenerator(compressor: str | None = None, vtk_file_version: str | None = None)[source]¶

Bases: XMLGenerator

An XML generator that uses inline DataArray entries.

class pyvisfile.vtk.AppendedDataXMLGenerator(compressor: str | None = None, vtk_file_version: str | None = None)[source]¶

Bases: InlineXMLGenerator

An XML generator that uses appended data for DataArray entries.

This creates a special element called AppendedData and each data array will index into it. Additional compression can be added to the appended data.

class pyvisfile.vtk.ParallelXMLGenerator(pathnames: Sequence[str | Path])[source]¶

Bases: XMLGenerator

An XML generator for parallel unstructured grids.

__init__(pathnames: Sequence[str | Path]) None[source]¶

pathnames – a list of paths to indivitual VTK files containing different pieces of a grid.

Convenience functions¶

pyvisfile.vtk.write_structured_grid(file_name: str | Path, mesh: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]], cell_data: Sequence[tuple[str, ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]]] | None = None, point_data: Sequence[tuple[str, ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]]] | None = None, overwrite: bool = False) None[source]¶

Write a structure grid to filename.

This constructs a StructuredGrid and adds the relevant point and cell data, as necessary. The data is all flattened to one dimensional arrays.


overwrite – if True, existing files are overwritten, otherwise an exception is raised.

VTK High-Order Lagrange Elements¶

The high-order elements are described in this blog post. The ordering of the element nodes is as follows:

  1. the vertices (in an order that matches the linear elements, e.g. VTK_TRIANGLE).

  2. the interior edge (or face in 2D) nodes, i.e. without the endpoints

  3. the interior face (3D only) nodes, i.e. without the edge nodes.

  4. the remaining interior nodes.

For simplices, the interior nodes are defined recursively by using the same rules. However, for box elements the interior nodes are just listed in order, with the last coordinate moving slowest.

To a large extent, the VTK ordering matches the ordering used by gmsh and described here.

pyvisfile.vtk.vtk_ordering.vtk_lagrange_simplex_node_tuples(dims: int, order: int, vtk_version: tuple[int, int] = (2, 1)) Sequence[tuple[int, ...]][source]¶
  • dims – dimension of the simplex, i.e. 1 corresponds to a curve, 2 to a triangle, etc.

  • order – order of the polynomial representation, which also defines the number of nodes on the simplex.

  • vtk_version – a tuple of two elements containing the version of the VTK XML file format in use. The ordering of some of the high-order elements changed between versions 2.1 and 2.2.


a list of dims-dimensional tuples of integers up to order in the ordering expected by VTK.

pyvisfile.vtk.vtk_ordering.vtk_lagrange_simplex_node_tuples_to_permutation(node_tuples: Sequence[tuple[int, ...]]) Sequence[int][source]¶

Construct a permutation from the simplex node ordering of VTK to that of modepy.


a list of indices in [0, len(node_tuples)].

pyvisfile.vtk.vtk_ordering.vtk_lagrange_quad_node_tuples(dims: int, order: int, vtk_version: tuple[int, int] = (2, 1)) Sequence[tuple[int, ...]][source]¶
  • dims – dimension of the box, i.e. 1 corresponds to a curve, 2 to a quadrilateral, and 3 to a hexahedron.

  • order – order of the polynomial representation, which also defines the number of nodes on the box.

  • vtk_version – a tuple of two elements containing the version of the VTK XML file format in use. The ordering of some of the high-order elements changed between versions 2.1 and 2.2.


a list of dims-dimensional tuples of integers up to order in the ordering expected by VTK.

pyvisfile.vtk.vtk_ordering.vtk_lagrange_quad_node_tuples_to_permutation(node_tuples: Sequence[tuple[int, ...]]) Sequence[int][source]¶

Construct a permutation from the quad node ordering of VTK to that of modepy.


a list of indices in [0, len(node_tuples)].


Writing a structured mesh¶

# contributed by Luke Olson

import numpy as np

from pyvisfile.vtk import write_structured_grid

n = 50
x, y = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(-1, 1, n), np.linspace(-1, 1, n))

u = np.exp(-50 * (x**2 + y**2))

mesh = np.rollaxis(np.dstack((x, y)), 2)
    point_data=[("u", u[np.newaxis, :, :])])

(You can find this example as examples/ in the PyVisfile source distribution.)

Writing a collection of points¶


Observe that this is written as a ‘unstructured grid’, even though there is not much grid here. However, by supplying connectivity data, it is possible to generalize from this to actual unstructured meshes.

import pathlib

import numpy as np

from pyvisfile.vtk import (

rng = np.random.default_rng(seed=42)

n = 5000
points = rng.normal(size=(n, 3))
data = [
        ("pressure", rng.normal(size=n)),
        ("velocity", rng.normal(size=(3, n)))]

grid = UnstructuredGrid(
        (n, DataArray("points", points, vector_format=VF_LIST_OF_VECTORS)),
        cells=np.arange(n, dtype=np.uint32),
        cell_types=np.array([VTK_VERTEX] * n, dtype=np.uint8))

for name, field in data:
        DataArray(name, field, vector_format=VF_LIST_OF_COMPONENTS))

file_name = pathlib.Path("points.vtu")
compressor = None

if file_name.exists():
    raise FileExistsError(f"Output file '{file_name}' already exists")

with open(file_name, "w") as outf:

(You can find this example as examples/ in the PyVisfile source distribution.)