Source code for meshpy.tet

from meshpy.common import MeshInfoBase, dump_array
import meshpy._internals as internals

[docs] class MeshInfo(internals.TetMeshInfo, MeshInfoBase):
[docs] def set_facets(self, facets, markers=None): """Set a list of simple, single-polygon factes. Unlike :meth:`set_facets_ex`, :meth:`set_facets` does not allow hole and only lets you use a single polygon per facet. :param facets: a list of facets, where each facet is a single polygons, represented by a list of point indices. :param markers: Either None or a list of integers of the same length as *facets*. Each integer is the facet marker assigned to its corresponding facet. :note: When the above says "list", any repeatable iterable also accepted instead. """ if markers: assert len(markers) == len(facets) self.facets.resize(len(facets)) for i, vlist in enumerate(facets): facet = self.facets[i] polys = facet.polygons polys.resize(1) poly = facet.polygons[0] poly.vertices.resize(len(vlist)) for j, pt_idx in enumerate(vlist): poly.vertices[j] = pt_idx if markers: self.facet_markers.setup() for i, mark in enumerate(markers): self.facet_markers[i] = mark
[docs] def set_facets_ex(self, facets, facet_holestarts=None, markers=None): """Set a list of complicated factes. Unlike :meth:`set_facets`, :meth:`set_facets_ex` allows holes and multiple polygons per facet. :param facets: a list of facets, where each facet is a list of polygons, and each polygon is represented by a list of point indices. :param facet_holestarts: Either None or a list of hole starting points for each facet. Each facet may have several hole starting points. The mesh generator starts "eating" a hole into the facet at each starting point and continues until it hits a polygon specified in this facet's record in *facets*. :param markers: Either None or a list of integers of the same length as *facets*. Each integer is the facet marker assigned to its corresponding facet. :note: When the above says "list", any repeatable iterable also accepted instead. """ if markers: assert len(markers) == len(facets) if facet_holestarts is not None: assert len(facet_holestarts) == len(facets) self.facets.resize(len(facets)) for i_facet, poly_list in enumerate(facets): facet = self.facets[i_facet] polys = facet.polygons polys.resize(len(poly_list)) for i_poly, vertex_list in enumerate(poly_list): poly = facet.polygons[i_poly] poly.vertices.resize(len(vertex_list)) for i_point, point in enumerate(vertex_list): poly.vertices[i_point] = point if facet_holestarts is not None: hole_list = facet_holestarts[i_facet] facet_holes = facet.holes facet_holes.resize(len(hole_list)) for i_hole, hole_start in enumerate(hole_list): for i_coordinate, co_value in enumerate(hole_start): facet_holes[i_hole, i_coordinate] = co_value if markers: self.facet_markers.setup() for i, mark in enumerate(markers): self.facet_markers[i] = mark
[docs] def dump(self): for name in ["points"]: dump_array(name, getattr(self, name)) for ifacet, facet in enumerate(self.faces): print("facet %d:" % ifacet) for ipolygon, polygon in enumerate(facet.polygons): print(" polygon %d: vertices [%s]" % (ipolygon, ",".join(str(vi) for vi in polygon.vertices)))
[docs] def write_vtk(self, filename): import pyvtk vtkelements = pyvtk.VtkData( pyvtk.UnstructuredGrid( self.points, tetra=self.elements), "Mesh") vtkelements.tofile(filename)
def set_elements(self, elements): self.elements.resize(len(elements)) for i, element in enumerate(elements): self.elements[i] = element def set_element_constraints(self, element_constraints): self.element_volumes.setup() for i in range(len(self.element_volumes)): if i in element_constraints: self.element_volumes[i] = element_constraints[i] else: self.element_volumes[i] = -1
[docs] class Options(internals.Options): def __init__(self, switches, **kwargs): internals.Options.__init__(self) if len(switches) == 0: from warnings import warn warn("Recommend non-empty 'switches' for crash-free meshing") self.parse_switches(switches) self.quiet = 1 for k, v in kwargs.items(): try: getattr(self, k) except AttributeError: raise ValueError("invalid option: %s" % k) else: setattr(self, k, v)
def tetrahedralize(mesh_info, options): mesh = MeshInfo() # restore "C" locale--otherwise tetgen might mis-parse stuff like "a0.01" try: import locale except ImportError: have_locale = False else: have_locale = True prev_num_locale = locale.getlocale(locale.LC_NUMERIC) locale.setlocale(locale.LC_NUMERIC, "C") try: internals.tetrahedralize(options, mesh_info, mesh) finally: # restore previous locale if we've changed it if have_locale: locale.setlocale(locale.LC_NUMERIC, prev_num_locale) return mesh
[docs] def build(mesh_info, options=Options("pq"), verbose=False, attributes=False, volume_constraints=False, max_volume=None, diagnose=False, insert_points=None): if not verbose: options.quiet = 1 if insert_points is not None: options.insertaddpoints = 1 if attributes: options.regionattrib = 1 if volume_constraints: options.varvolume = 1 if max_volume: options.fixedvolume = 1 options.maxvolume = max_volume if diagnose: options.diagnose = 1 return tetrahedralize(mesh_info, options)