
This tutorial will walk you through the process of building MeshPy. To follow, you really only need three basic things:

  • A UNIX-like machine with web access.

  • A working Python installation.

  • A recent C++ compiler. We use pybind11 to create the wrappers, so see their documentation for minimal required versions if in doubt.

  • meson-python and ninja, which are used to build the wrapper. See the [buildsystem] section in pyproject.toml for an up to date list.

Step 1: Download and unpack MeshPy

Download MeshPy and unpack it:

$ tar xfz MeshPy-VERSION.tar.gz

If you’re downloading from git instead:

$ git clone

Step 2: Build MeshPy

MeshPy uses meson-python as its build system. For additional compilation options (e.g. compiling in debug mode), see their official documentation.

First, just type:

$ cd MeshPy-VERSION # if you're not there already

If you want to just build a source distribution or a wheel for MeshPy, you can run:

$ python -m build --sdist .
$ python -m build --wheel .

or with the trusty pip:

$ python -m pip wheel --no-deps .

If you want to install MeshPy in editable mode for development, use:

$ python -m pip install --no-build-isolation --editable .

(the --no-build-isolation flag is very important!). At this point, you can also pass additional configuration options to meson. For example, to build in debug mode, run:

$ python -m pip install \
    --no-build-isolation -Csetup-args=-Dbuildtype=debug \
    --editable .

Once that works, congratulations! You’ve successfully built MeshPy.

Step 3: Test MeshPy

Just type:

$ python -m pytest -v -s test