Package hedge :: Module element :: Class TriangularElement
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Class TriangularElement

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An arbitrary-order triangular finite element.

Coordinate systems used:

unit coordinates (r,s):

C |\ | \ | O | \ | \ A-----B

Points in unit coordinates:

   O = (0,0)
   A = (-1,-1)
   B = (1,-1)
   C = (-1,1)

equilateral coordinates (x,y):

      / \
     /   \
    /     \
   /   O   \
  /         \

Points in equilateral coordinates:

   O = (0,0)
   A = (-1,-1/sqrt(3))
   B = (1,-1/sqrt(3))
   C = (0,2/sqrt(3))

When global vertices are passed in, they are mapped to the reference vertices A, B, C in order.

Faces are always ordered AB, BC, AC.

Nested Classes [hide private]
Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, order, fancy_node_ordering=True)
x.__init__(...) initializes x; see x.__class__.__doc__ for signature
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Generate tuples enumerating the node indices present in this element.
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faces_for_node_tuple(self, node_tuple)
Return the list of face indices of faces on which the node represented by node_tuple lies.
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Generate warped nodes in equilateral coordinates (x,y).
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Return a list of tuples of indices into the node list that generate a tesselation of the reference element.
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Get a sequence of functions that form a basis of the approximation space.
source code
Get the gradient functions of the basis_functions(), in the same order.
source code
face_mass_matrix(self) source code
dt_geometric_factor(self, vertices, el) source code

Inherited from SimplicialElement: dt_non_geometric_factor, equidistant_barycentric_nodes, equidistant_equilateral_nodes, equidistant_unit_nodes, face_count, face_indices, face_node_count, generate_mode_identifiers, node_count, unit_nodes, vertex_indices

Inherited from Element: differentiation_matrices, find_diff_mat_permutation, grad_vandermonde, inverse_mass_matrix, lifting_matrix, mass_matrix, multi_face_mass_matrix, vandermonde

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __str__

Static Methods [hide private]
barycentric_to_equilateral((lambda1, lambda2, lambda3))
Return the equilateral (x,y) coordinate corresponding to the barycentric coordinates (lambda1..lambdaN).
source code
get_face_index_shuffle_to_match(face_1_vertices, face_2_vertices) source code
Class Variables [hide private]
  dimensions = 2
  has_local_jacobians = False
  equilateral_to_unit = AffineMap(numpy.array([[1,-1/ sqrt(3)], ...
Properties [hide private]

Inherited from SimplicialElement: has_facial_nodes

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, order, fancy_node_ordering=True)

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x.__init__(...) initializes x; see x.__class__.__doc__ for signature

Overrides: object.__init__
(inherited documentation)


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Generate tuples enumerating the node indices present in this element. Each tuple has a length equal to the dimension of the element. The tuples constituents are non-negative integers whose sum is less than or equal to the order of the element.

The order in which these nodes are generated dictates the local node numbering.

  • @memoize_method


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Return a list of tuples of indices into the node list that generate a tesselation of the reference element.

  • @memoize_method


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Get a sequence of functions that form a basis of the approximation space.

The approximation space is spanned by the polynomials::

 r**i * s**j for i+j <= N
  • @memoize_method
Overrides: Element.basis_functions


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Get the gradient functions of the basis_functions(), in the same order.

Overrides: Element.grad_basis_functions


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  • @memoize_method

Class Variable Details [hide private]


AffineMap(numpy.array([[1,-1/ sqrt(3)], [0, 2/ sqrt(3)]]), numpy.array\
([-1/ 3,-1/ 3]))