Reference: Transforming Kernels¶
Dealing with Parameters¶
- loopy.fix_parameters(kernel, **value_dict)[source]¶
Fix the values of the arguments to specific constants.
value_dict consists of name/value pairs, where name will be fixed to be value. name may refer to Domain parameters or Arguments.
- loopy.assume(kernel, assumptions)[source]¶
Include an assumption about Domain parameters in the kernel, e.g. n mod 4 = 0.
- Parameters:
assumptions – a
or a string representation of the assumptions in ISL syntax.
Wrangling inames¶
- loopy.split_iname(kernel, split_iname, inner_length, *, outer_iname=None, inner_iname=None, outer_tag=None, inner_tag=None, slabs=(0, 0), do_tagged_check=True, within=None)[source]¶
Split split_iname into two inames (an ‘inner’ one and an ‘outer’ one) so that
split_iname == inner + outer*inner_length
and inner is of constant length inner_length.- Parameters:
outer_iname – The new iname to use for the ‘inner’ (fixed-length) loop. Defaults to a name derived from
split_iname + "_outer"
inner_iname – The new iname to use for the ‘inner’ (fixed-length) loop. Defaults to a name derived from
split_iname + "_inner"
inner_length – a positive integer
slabs – A tuple
(head_it_count, tail_it_count)
indicating the number of leading/trailing iterations of outer_iname for which separate code should be generated.outer_tag – The iname tag (see Iname Implementation Tags) to apply to outer_iname.
inner_tag – The iname tag (see Iname Implementation Tags) to apply to inner_iname.
within – a stack match as understood by
Split inames do not inherit tags from their ‘parent’ inames.
- loopy.chunk_iname(kernel, split_iname, num_chunks, outer_iname=None, inner_iname=None, outer_tag=None, inner_tag=None, slabs=(0, 0), do_tagged_check=True, within=None)[source]¶
Split split_iname into two inames (an ‘inner’ one and an ‘outer’ one) so that
split_iname == inner + outer*chunk_length
and outer is of fixed length num_chunks.- Parameters:
within – a stack match as understood by
Split inames do not inherit tags from their ‘parent’ inames.
Added in version 2016.2.
- loopy.join_inames(kernel, inames, new_iname=None, tag=None, within=None)[source]¶
In a sense, the inverse of
. Takes in inames, finds their bounds (all but the first have to be bounded), and combines them into a single loop via analogs ofnew_iname = i0 * LEN(i1) + i1
. The old inames are re-obtained via the appropriate division/modulo operations.- Parameters:
inames – a sequence of inames, fastest varying last
within – a stack match as understood by
- loopy.untag_inames(kernel, iname_to_untag, tag_type)[source]¶
Remove tags on iname_to_untag which matches tag_type.
- Parameters:
iname_to_untag – iname as string.
tag_type – a subclass of
, for example a subclass
Added in version 2018.1.
- loopy.tag_inames(kernel: LoopKernel, iname_to_tag: Mapping[str, Tag | Sequence[Tag] | str | Sequence[str]] | Sequence[tuple[str, Tag | Sequence[Tag] | str | Sequence[str]]] | str, force: bool = False, ignore_nonexistent: bool = False) LoopKernel [source]¶
Tag an iname
- Parameters:
iname_to_tag – a list of tuples
(iname, new_tag)
. new_tag is given as an instance of a subclass ofpytools.tag.Tag
, for example a subclass
. May also be iterable of which, or as a string as shown in Iname Implementation Tags. May also be a dictionary for backwards compatibility. iname may also be a wildcard using*
Changed in version 2016.3: Added wildcards.
Changed in version 2018.1: Added iterable of tags
- loopy.duplicate_inames(kernel, inames, within, new_inames=None, suffix=None, tags=None)[source]¶
- Parameters:
within – a stack match as understood by
- loopy.get_iname_duplication_options(kernel)[source]¶
List options for duplication of inames, if necessary for schedulability
- Returns:
a generator listing all options to duplicate inames, if duplication of an iname is necessary to ensure the schedulability of the kernel. Duplication options are returned as tuples (iname, within) as understood by
. There is no guarantee, that the transformed kernel will be schedulable, because multiple duplications of iname may be necessary.
Some kernels require the duplication of inames in order to be schedulable, as the forced iname dependencies define an over-determined problem to the scheduler. Consider the following minimal example:
knl = lp.make_kernel(["{[i,j]:0<=i,j<n}"], """ mat1[i,j] = mat1[i,j] + 1 {inames=i:j, id=i1} mat2[j] = mat2[j] + 1 {inames=j, id=i2} mat3[i] = mat3[i] + 1 {inames=i, id=i3} """)
In the example, there are four possibilities to resolve the problem: * duplicating i in instruction i3 * duplicating i in instruction i1 and i3 * duplicating j in instruction i2 * duplicating i in instruction i2 and i3
to decide whether an iname needs to be duplicated in a given kernel.
- loopy.has_schedulable_iname_nesting(kernel)[source]¶
- Returns:
indicating whether this kernel needs an iname duplication in order to be schedulable.
- loopy.prioritize_loops(kernel, loop_priority)[source]¶
Indicates the textual order in which loops should be entered in the kernel code. Note that this priority has an advisory role only. If the kernel logically requires a different nesting, priority is ignored. Priority is only considered if loop nesting is ambiguous.
prioritize_loops can be used multiple times. If you do so, each given loop_priority specifies a scheduling constraint. The constraints from all calls to prioritize_loops together establish a partial order on the inames (see
- Arg:
an iterable of inames, or, for brevity, a comma-separated string of inames
- loopy.rename_iname(kernel: LoopKernel, old_iname: str, new_iname: str, existing_ok: bool = False, within: ToStackMatchConvertible = None, preserve_tags: bool = True, raise_on_domain_mismatch: bool | None = None) LoopKernel [source]¶
Single iname version of
. :arg existing_ok: execute even if new_iname already exists. :arg within: a stack match understood byloopy.match.parse_stack_match()
. :arg preserve_tags: copy the tags on the old iname to the new iname. :arg raise_on_domain_mismatch: If True, raises an error if \(\exists (i_1,i_2) \in \{\text{old\_inames}\}^2 | \mathcal{D}_{i_1} \neq \mathcal{D}_{i_2}\).
- loopy.rename_inames(kernel: LoopKernel, old_inames: Collection[str], new_iname: str, existing_ok: bool = False, within: ToStackMatchConvertible = None, raise_on_domain_mismatch: bool | None = None) LoopKernel [source]¶
- Parameters:
old_inames – A collection of inames that must be renamed to new_iname.
within – a stack match as understood by
.existing_ok – execute even if new_iname already exists
raise_on_domain_mismatch – If True, raises an error if \(\exists (i_1,i_2) \in \{\text{old\_inames}\}^2 | \mathcal{D}_{i_1} \neq \mathcal{D}_{i_2}\).
- loopy.remove_unused_inames(kernel, inames=None)[source]¶
Delete those among inames that are unused, i.e. project them out of the domain. If these inames pose implicit restrictions on other inames, these restrictions will persist as existentially quantified variables.
- Parameters:
inames – may be an iterable of inames or a string of comma-separated inames.
- loopy.split_reduction_inward(kernel, inames, within=None)[source]¶
Takes a reduction of the form:
sum([i,j,k], ...)
and splits it into two nested reductions:
sum([j,k], sum([i], ...))
In this case, inames would have been
indicating that the inamei
should be made the iname governing the inner reduction.- Parameters:
inames – A list of inames, or a comma-separated string that can be parsed into those
- loopy.split_reduction_outward(kernel, inames, within=None)[source]¶
Takes a reduction of the form:
sum([i,j,k], ...)
and splits it into two nested reductions:
sum([i], sum([j,k], ...))
In this case, inames would have been
indicating that the inamei
should be made the iname governing the outer reduction.- Parameters:
inames – A list of inames, or a comma-separated string that can be parsed into those
- loopy.affine_map_inames(kernel, old_inames, new_inames, equations)[source]¶
Return a new kernel where the affine transform specified by equations has been applied to the inames.
- Parameters:
old_inames – A list of inames to be replaced by affine transforms of their values. May also be a string of comma-separated inames.
new_inames – A list of new inames that are not yet used in kernel, but have their values established in terms of old_inames by equations. May also be a string of comma-separated inames.
equations – A list of equations establishing a relationship between old_inames and new_inames. Each equation may be a tuple
(lhs, rhs)
of expressions or a string, with left and right hand side of the equation separated by=
- loopy.find_unused_axis_tag(kernel, kind, insn_match=None)[source]¶
For one of the hardware-parallel execution tags, find an unused axis.
- Parameters:
insn_match – An instruction match as understood by
.kind – may be “l” or “g”, or the corresponding tag class name
- Returns:
that is not being used within the instructions matched by insn_match.
- loopy.make_reduction_inames_unique(kernel, inames=None, within=None)[source]¶
- Parameters:
inames – if not None, only apply to these inames
within – a stack match as understood by
Added in version 2016.2.
- loopy.add_inames_to_insn(kernel, inames, insn_match)[source]¶
- Parameters:
inames – a frozenset of inames that will be added to the instructions matched by insn_match, or a comma-separated string that parses to such a tuple.
insn_match – An instruction match as understood by
- Returns:
with the inames added to the instructions matched by insn_match.
Added in version 2016.3.
- loopy.map_domain(kernel, transform_map)[source]¶
Transform an iname domain by applying a mapping from existing inames to new inames.
- Parameters:
transform_map – A bijective
from existing inames to new inames. To be applicable to a kernel domain, all input inames in the map must be found in the domain. The map must be applicable to exactly one domain found in
- loopy.add_inames_for_unused_hw_axes(kernel, within=None)[source]¶
Returns a kernel with inames added to each instruction corresponding to any hardware-parallel iname tags (
) unused in the instruction but used elsewhere in the kernel.Current limitations:
Only one iname in the kernel may be tagged with each of the unused hw axes.
Occurrence of an
tag when an instruction is missing one of the local hw axes.
- Parameters:
within – An instruction match as understood by
Dealing with Substitution Rules¶
- loopy.extract_subst(kernel, subst_name, template, parameters=(), within=None)[source]¶
- Parameters:
subst_name – The name of the substitution rule to be created.
template – Unification template expression.
parameters – An iterable of parameters used in template, or a comma-separated string of the same.
within – An instance of
as understood byloopy.match.parse_match()
All targeted subexpressions must match (‘unify with’) template The template may contain ‘*’ wildcards that will have to match exactly across all unifications.
- loopy.assignment_to_subst(kernel, lhs_name, extra_arguments=(), within=None, force_retain_argument=False)[source]¶
Extract an assignment (to a temporary variable or an argument) as a Substitution Rules. The temporary may be an array, in which case the array indices will become arguments to the substitution rule.
- Parameters:
within – a stack match as understood by
.force_retain_argument – If True and if lhs_name is an argument, it is kept even if it is no longer referenced.
This operation will change all usage sites of lhs_name matched by within. If there are further usage sites of lhs_name, then the original assignment to lhs_name as well as the temporary variable is left in place.
- loopy.expand_subst(kernel, within=None)[source]¶
Returns an instance of
with the substitutions referenced in instructions of kernel matched by within expanded.- Parameters:
within – a stack match as understood by
Caching, Precomputation and Prefetching¶
- loopy.add_prefetch(t_unit, var_name, sweep_inames=None, dim_arg_names=None, default_tag=None, rule_name=None, temporary_name=None, temporary_address_space=None, temporary_scope=None, footprint_subscripts=None, fetch_bounding_box=False, fetch_outer_inames=None, prefetch_insn_id=None, within=None)[source]¶
Prefetch all accesses to the variable var_name, with all accesses being swept through sweep_inames.
- Parameters:
var_name –
A string, the name of the variable being prefetched. This may be a ‘tagged variable name’ (such as
to restrict the effect of the operation to only variable accesses with a matching tag.This may also be a subscripted version of the variable, in which case this access dictates the footprint that is prefetched, e.g.
. In this case, accesses in the kernel are disregarded.sweep_inames – A list of inames, or a comma-separated string of them. This routine ‘sweeps’ all accesses to var_name through all allowed values of the sweep_inames to generate a footprint. All values in this footprint are then stored in a temporary variable, and the original variable accesses replaced with accesses to this temporary.
dim_arg_names – List of names representing each fetch axis. These names show up as inames in the generated fetch code
default_tag – The implementation tag to assign to the inames driving the prefetch code. Use None to leave them undefined (to assign them later by hand). The current default will make them local axes and automatically split them to fit the work group size, but this default will disappear in favor of simply leaving them untagged in 2019.x. For 2018.x, a warning will be issued if no default_tag is specified.
rule_name – base name of the generated temporary variable.
temporary_name – The name of the temporary to be used.
temporary_address_space – The
to use for the temporary.footprint_subscripts –
A list of tuples indicating the index (i.e. subscript) tuples used to generate the footprint.
If only one such set of indices is desired, this may also be specified directly by putting an index expression into var_name. Substitutions such as those occurring in dimension splits are recorded and also applied to these indices.
fetch_bounding_box –
To fit within
’s execution model, the ‘footprint’ of the fetch currently has to be a convex set. Sometimes this is not the case, e.g. for a high-order stencil:o o ooooo o o
The footprint of the stencil when ‘swept’ over a base domain would look like this, and because of the ‘missing corners’, this set is not convex:
oooooooooo oooooooooo oooooooooooooo oooooooooooooo oooooooooooooo oooooooooooooo oooooooooo oooooooooo
permission to instead fetch the ‘bounding box’ of the footprint, i.e. this set in the stencil example:OOooooooooooOO OOooooooooooOO oooooooooooooo oooooooooooooo oooooooooooooo oooooooooooooo OOooooooooooOO OOooooooooooOO
Note the added corners marked with “
”. The resulting footprint is guaranteed to be convex.fetch_outer_inames – The inames within which the fetch instruction is nested. If None, make an educated guess.
prefetch_insn_id – The ID of the instruction generated to perform the prefetch.
within – a stack match as understood by
to select the instructions where var_name is to be prefetched.
This function internally uses
- loopy.alias_temporaries(kernel, names, base_name_prefix=None, synchronize_for_exclusive_use=True)[source]¶
Sets all temporaries given by names to be backed by a single piece of storage.
- Parameters:
synchronize_for_exclusive_use – A
. IfTrue
, this also introduces ordering structures (“groups”) to prevent the usage to ensure that the live ranges (i.e. the regions of code where each of the temporaries is used) do not overlap. This will allow two (or more) temporaries to share the same storage space as long as their live ranges do not need to be concurrent.base_name_prefix – an identifier to be used for the common storage area
Changed in version 2016.3: Added synchronize_for_exclusive_use flag.
was the previous default behavior.
Influencing data access¶
- loopy.tag_array_axes(kernel, ary_names, dim_tags)[source]¶
- Parameters:
dim_tags –
a tuple of
or a string that parses to one. Seeloopy.kernel.array.parse_array_dim_tags()
for a description of the allowed string format.For example, dim_tags could be
to determine that the second axis is the fastest-varying, the last is the next-fastest, and the first is the slowest.
Changed in version 2016.2: This function was called
before version 2016.2.
- loopy.set_array_axis_names(kernel, ary_names, dim_names)[source]¶
Changed in version 2016.2: This function was called
before version 2016.2.
- loopy.privatize_temporaries_with_inames(kernel, privatizing_inames, only_var_names=None)[source]¶
This function provides each loop iteration of the privatizing_inames with its own private entry in the temporaries it accesses (possibly restricted to only_var_names).
This is accomplished implicitly as part of generating instruction-level parallelism by the “ILP” tag and accessible separately through this transformation.
for imatrix, i acc = 0 for k acc = acc + a[imatrix, i, k] * vec[k] end end
might become:
for imatrix, i acc[imatrix] = 0 for k acc[imatrix] = acc[imatrix] + a[imatrix, i, k] * vec[k] end end
facilitating loop interchange of the imatrix loop. .. versionadded:: 2018.1
- loopy.unprivatize_temporaries_with_inames(kernel, privatizing_inames, only_var_names=None)[source]¶
This function reverses the effects of
and removes the private entries in the temporaries each loop iteration of the privatizing_inames accesses (possibly restricted to only_var_names).Example:
for imatrix, i acc[imatrix] = 0 for k acc[imatrix] = acc[imatrix] + a[imatrix, i, k] * vec[k] end end
might become:
for imatrix, i acc = 0 for k acc = acc + a[imatrix, i, k] * vec[k] end end
Added in version 2022.1.
- loopy.allocate_temporaries_for_base_storage(kernel: LoopKernel, only_address_space: int | None = None, aliased=True, max_nbytes: int | None = None) LoopKernel [source]¶
Padding Data¶
- loopy.split_array_axis(kernel, array_names, axis_nr, count, order='C')[source]¶
- Parameters:
array – a list of names of temporary variables or arguments. May also be a comma-separated string of these.
axis_nr – the (zero-based) index of the axis that should be split.
count – The group size to use in the split.
order – The way the split array axis should be linearized. May be “C” or “F” to indicate C/Fortran (row/column)-major order.
Changed in version 2016.2: There was a more complicated, dumber function called
that had the role of this function in versions prior to 2016.2.
Manipulating Instructions¶
- loopy.set_instruction_priority(kernel, insn_match, priority)[source]¶
Set the priority of instructions matching insn_match to priority.
insn_match may be any instruction id match understood by
- loopy.add_dependency(kernel, insn_match, depends_on)[source]¶
Add the instruction dependency dependency to the instructions matched by insn_match.
insn_match and depends_on may be any instruction id match understood by
.Changed in version 2016.3: Third argument renamed to depends_on for clarity, allowed to be not just ID but also match expression.
- loopy.remove_instructions(kernel, insn_ids)[source]¶
Return a new kernel with instructions in insn_ids removed.
Dependencies across deleted instructions are transitively propagated i.e. if insn_a depends on insn_b that depends on insn_c and ‘insn_b’ is to be removed then the returned kernel will have a dependency from ‘insn_a’ to ‘insn_c’.
This also updates no_sync_with for all instructions.
- Parameters:
insn_ids – An instance of
as understood byloopy.match.parse_match()
- loopy.replace_instruction_ids(kernel: LoopKernel, replacements: Mapping[str, Sequence[str]]) LoopKernel [source]¶
Return a new kernel with the ids of instructions and dependencies replaced according to the provided mapping.
- Parameters:
replacements – a
mapping old insn ids to an iterable of new insn ids. The first entry of the iterable is used for replacement purposes. Additional insn ids after the first are added to the dependency list of instructions that have a dependency on the old insn id.
- loopy.add_nosync(kernel, scope, source, sink, bidirectional=False, force=False, empty_ok=False)[source]¶
Add a no_sync_with directive between source and sink. no_sync_with is only added if sink depends on source or if the instruction pair is in a conflicting group.
This function does not check for the presence of a memory dependency.
- Parameters:
kernel – The kernel
source – Either a single instruction id, or any instruction id match understood by
.sink – Either a single instruction id, or any instruction id match understood by
.scope – A valid no_sync_with scope. See
for allowable scopes.bidirectional – A
. If True, add a no_sync_with to both the source and sink instructions, otherwise the directive is only added to the sink instructions.force – A
. If True, add a no_sync_with directive even without the presence of a dependency edge or conflicting instruction group.empty_ok – If True, do not complain even if no nosync tags were added as a result of the transformation.
- Returns:
The updated kernel
Changed in version 2018.1: If the transformation adds no nosync directives, it will complain. This used to silently pass. This behavior can be restored using empty_ok.
- loopy.add_barrier(kernel, insn_before='', insn_after='', id_based_on=None, tags=None, synchronization_kind='global', mem_kind=None, within_inames=None)[source]¶
Takes in a kernel that needs to be added a barrier and returns a kernel which has a barrier inserted into it. It takes input of 2 instructions and then adds a barrier in between those 2 instructions. The expressions can be any inputs that are understood by
.- Parameters:
insn_before – String expression that specifies the instruction(s) before the barrier which is to be added. If None, no dependencies will be added to barrier.
insn_after – String expression that specifies the instruction(s) after the barrier which is to be added. If None, no dependencies on the barrier will be added.
id – String on which the id of the barrier would be based on.
tags – The tag of the group to which the barrier must be added
synchronization_kind – Kind of barrier to be added. May be “global” or “local”
kind – Type of memory to be synchronized. May be “global” or “local”. Ignored for “global” barriers. If not supplied, defaults to synchronization_kind
within_inames – A
of inames identifying the loops within which the barrier will be executed.
Registering Library Routines¶
- loopy.register_reduction_parser(parser)[source]¶
Register a new
.- Parameters:
parser – A function that receives a string and returns a subclass of ReductionOperation.
- loopy.register_preamble_generators(kernel: LoopKernel, preamble_generators)[source]¶
- Parameters:
manglers – list of functions of signature
generating tuples(sortable_str_identifier, code)
, where preamble_info is aPreambleInfo
.- Returns:
kernel with manglers registered
Modifying Arguments¶
- loopy.set_argument_order(kernel, arg_names)[source]¶
- Parameters:
arg_names – A list (or comma-separated string) or argument names. All arguments must be in this list.
- loopy.add_dtypes(kernel: TUnitOrKernelT, dtype_dict: Mapping[str, ToLoopyTypeConvertible]) TUnitOrKernelT [source]¶
Specify remaining unspecified argument/temporary variable types.
- Parameters:
dtype_dict – a mapping from variable names to
- loopy.infer_unknown_types(t_unit: TranslationUnit, expect_completion: bool = False) TranslationUnit [source]¶
Infer types on temporaries and arguments.
- loopy.rename_argument(kernel, old_name, new_name, existing_ok=False)[source]¶
Added in version 2016.2.
- loopy.set_temporary_address_space(kernel, temp_var_names, address_space)[source]¶
- Parameters:
temp_var_names – a container with membership checking, or a comma-separated string of variables for which the address space is to be set.
address_space – One of the values from
, or one of the strings"private"
, or"global"
Creating Batches of Operations¶
- loopy.to_batched(kernel, nbatches, batch_varying_args, batch_iname_prefix='ibatch', sequential=False)[source]¶
Takes in a kernel that carries out an operation and returns a kernel that carries out a batch of these operations.
For temporaries in a kernel that are private or read only globals and if sequential=True, loopy does not does not batch these variables unless explicitly mentioned in batch_varying_args.
- Parameters:
nbatches – the number of batches. May be a constant non-negative integer or a string, which will be added as an integer argument.
batch_varying_args – a list of argument names that vary per-batch. Each such variable will have a batch index added.
sequential – A
. If True, do not duplicate temporary variables for each batch. This automatically tags the batch iname for sequential execution.
Finishing up¶
- loopy.preprocess_kernel(t_unit: TranslationUnit) TranslationUnit [source]¶
- loopy.generate_loop_schedules(kernel: LoopKernel, callables_table: CallablesTable, debug_args: Mapping[str, Any] | None = None) Iterator[LoopKernel] [source]¶
This function needs to be called inside (another layer) of a
context manager, and the context manager needs to end after the last reference to the generators has gone out of scope. Otherwise, the high-recursion-limit generator chain may not be successfully garbage-collected and cause an internal error in the Python runtime.
- loopy.get_one_linearized_kernel(kernel: LoopKernel, callables_table: CallablesTable) LoopKernel [source]¶
- loopy.save_and_reload_temporaries(program, entrypoint=None)[source]¶
Add instructions to save and reload temporary variables that are live across kernel calls.
The basic code transformation turns schedule segments:
t = <...> <return followed by call> <...> = t
into this code:
t = <...> t_save_slot = t <return followed by call> t = t_save_slot <...> = t
where t_save_slot is a newly-created global temporary variable.
- Returns:
The resulting kernel
- class loopy.GeneratedProgram(name: str, is_device_program: bool, ast: Any, body_ast: Any | None = None)[source]¶
- name¶
- is_device_program¶
- ast¶
Once generated, this captures the AST of the overall function definition, including the body.
- body_ast¶
Once generated, this captures the AST of the operative function body (including declaration of necessary temporaries), but not the overall function definition.
- class loopy.CodeGenerationResult(host_program: GeneratedProgram | None, device_programs: Sequence[GeneratedProgram], implemented_domains: Mapping[str, islpy.Set], host_preambles: Sequence[tuple[str, str]] = (), device_preambles: Sequence[tuple[str, str]] = ())[source]¶
- host_program¶
- device_programs¶
A list of
instances intended to run on the compute device.
- host_preambles¶
- device_preambles¶
- loopy.generate_code_v2(t_unit: TranslationUnit) CodeGenerationResult [source]¶
- loopy.generate_header(kernel, codegen_result=None)[source]¶
- Parameters:
kernel – a
codegen_result – an instance of
- Returns:
a list of AST nodes (which may have
called on them to produce a string) representing function declarations for the generated device functions.
Setting options¶
Matching contexts¶
TODO: Matching instruction tags
- class loopy.match.StackMatchComponent[source]¶
- abstractmethod __call__(kernel: LoopKernel, stack: Sequence[Matchable]) bool [source]¶
Call self as a function.
- class loopy.match.StackMatch(root_component: StackMatchComponent)[source]¶
- __call__(kernel: LoopKernel, insn: InstructionBase, rule_stack: Sequence[tuple[str, frozenset[pytools.tag.Tag]]]) bool [source]¶
- Parameters:
rule_stack – a tuple of (name, tags) rule invocation, outermost first
- loopy.match.parse_match(expr)[source]¶
Syntax examples:
* ``id:yoink and writes:a_temp`` * ``id:yoink and (not writes:a_temp or tag:input)``
- loopy.match.parse_stack_match(smatch: StackMatch | str | None) StackMatch [source]¶
Syntax example:
... > outer > ... > next > innermost $ insn > next insn > ... > next > innermost $
matches an arbitrary number of intervening stack levels.Each of the entries is a match expression as understood by
- loopy.match.ToStackMatchConvertible¶
alias of
Match expressions¶
- class loopy.match.And(children: Sequence[MatchExpressionBase])[source]¶
- class loopy.match.Or(children: Sequence[MatchExpressionBase])[source]¶
- class loopy.match.ObjTagged(tag: pytools.tag.Tag)[source]¶
Match if the object is tagged with a given
These instance-based tags will, in the not-too-distant future, replace the string-based tags matched by