Source code for sumpy.kernel

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import loopy as lp
import numpy as np
from pymbolic.mapper import IdentityMapper, CSECachingMapperMixin
from sumpy.symbolic import pymbolic_real_norm_2
import sumpy.symbolic as sym
from pymbolic.primitives import make_sym_vector
from pymbolic import var, parse
from pytools import memoize_method
from collections import defaultdict

__doc__ = """
Kernel interface

.. autoclass:: Kernel
.. autoclass:: KernelArgument

Symbolic kernels

.. autoclass:: ExpressionKernel

PDE kernels

.. autoclass:: LaplaceKernel
.. autoclass:: BiharmonicKernel
.. autoclass:: HelmholtzKernel
.. autoclass:: YukawaKernel
.. autoclass:: StokesletKernel
.. autoclass:: StressletKernel
.. autoclass:: ElasticityKernel
.. autoclass:: LineOfCompressionKernel


These objects *wrap* other kernels and take derivatives
of them in the process.

.. autoclass:: DerivativeBase
.. autoclass:: AxisTargetDerivative
.. autoclass:: AxisSourceDerivative
.. autoclass:: DirectionalSourceDerivative
.. autoclass:: DirectionalTargetDerivative

Transforming kernels

.. autoclass:: KernelMapper
.. autoclass:: KernelCombineMapper
.. autoclass:: KernelIdentityMapper
.. autoclass:: AxisSourceDerivativeRemover
.. autoclass:: AxisTargetDerivativeRemover
.. autoclass:: SourceDerivativeRemover
.. autoclass:: TargetDerivativeRemover
.. autoclass:: DerivativeCounter

[docs]class KernelArgument: """ .. attribute:: loopy_arg A :class:`loopy.KernelArgument` instance describing the type, name, and other features of this kernel argument when passed to a generated piece of code. """ def __init__(self, loopy_arg): self.loopy_arg = loopy_arg @property def name(self): return def __eq__(self, other): if id(self) == id(other): return True if not type(self) == KernelArgument: return NotImplemented if not type(other) == KernelArgument: return NotImplemented return self.loopy_arg == other.loopy_arg def __ne__(self, other): # Needed for python2 return not self == other def __hash__(self): return (type(self), self.loopy_arg)
# {{{ basic kernel interface
[docs]class Kernel: """Basic kernel interface. .. attribute:: is_complex_valued .. attribute:: dim .. automethod:: get_base_kernel .. automethod:: replace_base_kernel .. automethod:: prepare_loopy_kernel .. automethod:: get_code_transformer .. automethod:: get_expression .. automethod:: postprocess_at_source .. automethod:: postprocess_at_target .. automethod:: get_global_scaling_const .. automethod:: get_args .. automethod:: get_source_args """ def __init__(self, dim): self.dim = dim # {{{ hashing/pickling/equality def __eq__(self, other): if self is other: return True elif hash(self) != hash(other): return False else: return (type(self) is type(other) and self.__getinitargs__() == other.__getinitargs__()) def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __hash__(self): try: return self.hash_value except AttributeError: self.hash_value = hash((type(self),) + self.__getinitargs__()) return self.hash_value def update_persistent_hash(self, key_hash, key_builder): key_hash.update(type(self).__name__.encode("utf8")) key_builder.rec(key_hash, self.__getinitargs__()) def __getstate__(self): return self.__getinitargs__() def __setstate__(self, state): # Can't use trivial pickling: hash_value cache must stay unset assert len(self.init_arg_names) == len(state) self.__init__(*state) # }}}
[docs] def get_base_kernel(self): """Return the kernel being wrapped by this one, or else *self*. """ return self
[docs] def replace_base_kernel(self, new_base_kernel): """Return the base kernel being wrapped by this one, or else *new_base_kernel*. """ return new_base_kernel
[docs] def prepare_loopy_kernel(self, loopy_knl): """Apply some changes (such as registering function manglers) to the kernel. Return the new kernel. """ return loopy_knl
[docs] def get_code_transformer(self): """Return a function to postprocess the :mod:`pymbolic` expression generated from the result of :meth:`get_expression` on the way to code generation. """ return lambda expr: expr
[docs] def get_expression(self, dist_vec): r"""Return a :mod:`sympy` expression for the kernel.""" raise NotImplementedError
def _diff(self, expr, vec, mi): """Take the derivative of an expression """ for i in range(self.dim): if mi[i] == 0: continue expr = expr.diff(vec[i], mi[i]) return expr
[docs] def postprocess_at_source(self, expr, avec): """Transform a kernel evaluation or expansion expression in a place where the vector a (something - source) is known. ("something" may be an expansion center or a target.) The typical use of this function is to apply source-variable derivatives to the kernel. """ from import (ExprDerivativeTaker, DifferentiatedExprDerivativeTaker) expr_dict = {(0,)*self.dim: 1} expr_dict = self.get_derivative_transformation_at_source(expr_dict) if isinstance(expr, ExprDerivativeTaker): return DifferentiatedExprDerivativeTaker(expr, expr_dict) result = 0 for mi, coeff in expr_dict.items(): result += coeff * self._diff(expr, avec, mi) return result
[docs] def postprocess_at_target(self, expr, bvec): """Transform a kernel evaluation or expansion expression in a place where the vector b (target - something) is known. ("something" may be an expansion center or a target.) The typical use of this function is to apply target-variable derivatives to the kernel. """ from import (ExprDerivativeTaker, DifferentiatedExprDerivativeTaker) expr_dict = {(0,)*self.dim: 1} expr_dict = self.get_derivative_transformation_at_target(expr_dict) if isinstance(expr, ExprDerivativeTaker): return DifferentiatedExprDerivativeTaker(expr, expr_dict) result = 0 for mi, coeff in expr_dict.items(): result += coeff * self._diff(expr, bvec, mi) return result
def get_derivative_transformation_at_source(self, expr_dict): r"""Get the derivative transformation of the expression at source represented by the dictionary expr_dict which is mapping from multi-index `mi` to coefficient `coeff`. Expression represented by the dictionary `expr_dict` is :math:`\sum_{mi} \frac{\partial^mi}{x^mi}G * coeff`. Returns an expression of the same type. This function is meant to be overridden by child classes where necessary. """ return expr_dict def get_derivative_transformation_at_target(self, expr_dict): r"""Get the derivative transformation of the expression at target represented by the dictionary expr_dict which is mapping from multi-index `mi` to coefficient `coeff`. Expression represented by the dictionary `expr_dict` is :math:`\sum_{mi} \frac{\partial^mi}{x^mi}G * coeff`. Returns an expression of the same type. This function is meant to be overridden by child classes where necessary. """ return expr_dict
[docs] def get_global_scaling_const(self): r"""Return a global scaling constant of the kernel. Typically, this ensures that the kernel is scaled so that :math:`\mathcal L(G)(x)=C\delta(x)` with a constant of 1, where :math:`\mathcal L` is the PDE operator associated with the kernel. Not to be confused with *rscale*, which keeps expansion coefficients benignly scaled. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_args(self): """Return list of :class:`KernelArgument` instances describing extra arguments used by the kernel. """ return []
[docs] def get_source_args(self): """Return list of :class:`KernelArgument` instances describing extra arguments used by kernel in picking up contributions from point sources. """ return []
# }}}
[docs]class ExpressionKernel(Kernel): is_complex_valued = False init_arg_names = ("dim", "expression", "global_scaling_const", "is_complex_valued") def __init__(self, dim, expression, global_scaling_const, is_complex_valued): r""" :arg expression: A :mod:`pymbolic` expression depending on variables *d_1* through *d_N* where *N* equals *dim*. (These variables match what is returned from :func:`pymbolic.primitives.make_sym_vector` with argument `"d"`.) :arg global_scaling_const: A constant :mod:`pymbolic` expression for the global scaling of the kernel. Typically, this ensures that the kernel is scaled so that :math:`\mathcal L(G)(x)=C\delta(x)` with a constant of 1, where :math:`\mathcal L` is the PDE operator associated with the kernel. Not to be confused with *rscale*, which keeps expansion coefficients benignly scaled. """ # expression and global_scaling_const are pymbolic objects because # those pickle cleanly. D'oh, sympy! Kernel.__init__(self, dim) self.expression = expression self.global_scaling_const = global_scaling_const self.is_complex_valued = is_complex_valued def __getinitargs__(self): return (self.dim, self.expression, self.global_scaling_const, self.is_complex_valued) def __repr__(self): return "ExprKnl%dD" % self.dim def get_expression(self, scaled_dist_vec): from sumpy.symbolic import PymbolicToSympyMapperWithSymbols expr = PymbolicToSympyMapperWithSymbols()(self.expression) if self.dim != len(scaled_dist_vec): raise ValueError("dist_vec length does not match expected dimension") from sumpy.symbolic import Symbol expr = expr.xreplace({ Symbol("d%d" % i): dist_vec_i for i, dist_vec_i in enumerate(scaled_dist_vec) }) return expr def get_global_scaling_const(self): """Return a global scaling of the kernel.""" from sumpy.symbolic import PymbolicToSympyMapperWithSymbols return PymbolicToSympyMapperWithSymbols()( self.global_scaling_const) def update_persistent_hash(self, key_hash, key_builder): key_hash.update(type(self).__name__.encode("utf8")) for name, value in zip(self.init_arg_names, self.__getinitargs__()): if name in ["expression", "global_scaling_const"]: from pymbolic.mapper.persistent_hash import ( PersistentHashWalkMapper as PersistentHashWalkMapper) PersistentHashWalkMapper(key_hash)(value) else: key_builder.rec(key_hash, value) mapper_method = "map_expression_kernel" def get_derivative_taker(self, dvec, rscale, sac): """Return a :class:`` instance that supports taking derivatives of the base kernel with respect to dvec. """ from import ExprDerivativeTaker return ExprDerivativeTaker(self.get_expression(dvec), dvec, rscale, sac) def get_pde_as_diff_op(self): r""" Returns the PDE for the kernel as a :class:`sumpy.expansion.diff_op.LinearPDESystemOperator` object `L` where `L(u) = 0` is the PDE. """ raise NotImplementedError
one_kernel_2d = ExpressionKernel( dim=2, expression=1, global_scaling_const=1, is_complex_valued=False) one_kernel_3d = ExpressionKernel( dim=3, expression=1, global_scaling_const=1, is_complex_valued=False) # {{{ PDE kernels
[docs]class LaplaceKernel(ExpressionKernel): init_arg_names = ("dim",) def __init__(self, dim): # See (Kress LIE, Thm 6.2) for scaling if dim == 2: r = pymbolic_real_norm_2(make_sym_vector("d", dim)) expr = var("log")(r) scaling = 1/(-2*var("pi")) elif dim == 3: r = pymbolic_real_norm_2(make_sym_vector("d", dim)) expr = 1/r scaling = 1/(4*var("pi")) else: raise NotImplementedError("unsupported dimensionality") super().__init__( dim, expression=expr, global_scaling_const=scaling, is_complex_valued=False) def __getinitargs__(self): return (self.dim,) def __repr__(self): return "LapKnl%dD" % self.dim mapper_method = "map_laplace_kernel" def get_derivative_taker(self, dvec, rscale, sac): """Return a :class:`` instance that supports taking derivatives of the base kernel with respect to dvec. """ from import LaplaceDerivativeTaker return LaplaceDerivativeTaker(self.get_expression(dvec), dvec, rscale, sac) def get_pde_as_diff_op(self): from sumpy.expansion.diff_op import make_identity_diff_op, laplacian w = make_identity_diff_op(self.dim) return laplacian(w)
[docs]class BiharmonicKernel(ExpressionKernel): init_arg_names = ("dim",) def __init__(self, dim): r = pymbolic_real_norm_2(make_sym_vector("d", dim)) if dim == 2: # Ref: Farkas, Peter. Mathematical foundations for fast algorithms # for the biharmonic equation. Technical Report 765, # Department of Computer Science, Yale University, 1990. expr = r**2 * var("log")(r) scaling = 1/(8*var("pi")) elif dim == 3: # Ref: Jiang, Shidong, Bo Ren, Paul Tsuji, and Lexing Ying. # "Second kind integral equations for the first kind Dirichlet problem # of the biharmonic equation in three dimensions." # Journal of Computational Physics 230, no. 19 (2011): 7488-7501. expr = r scaling = -1/(8*var("pi")) else: raise RuntimeError("unsupported dimensionality") super().__init__( dim, expression=expr, global_scaling_const=scaling, is_complex_valued=False) def __getinitargs__(self): return (self.dim,) def __repr__(self): return "BiharmKnl%dD" % self.dim mapper_method = "map_biharmonic_kernel" def get_derivative_taker(self, dvec, rscale, sac): """Return a :class:`` instance that supports taking derivatives of the base kernel with respect to dvec. """ from import RadialDerivativeTaker return RadialDerivativeTaker(self.get_expression(dvec), dvec, rscale, sac) def get_pde_as_diff_op(self): from sumpy.expansion.diff_op import make_identity_diff_op, laplacian w = make_identity_diff_op(self.dim) return laplacian(laplacian(w))
[docs]class HelmholtzKernel(ExpressionKernel): init_arg_names = ("dim", "helmholtz_k_name", "allow_evanescent") def __init__(self, dim, helmholtz_k_name="k", allow_evanescent=False): """ :arg helmholtz_k_name: The argument name to use for the Helmholtz parameter when generating functions to evaluate this kernel. """ k = var(helmholtz_k_name) # Guard against code using the old positional interface. assert isinstance(allow_evanescent, bool) if dim == 2: r = pymbolic_real_norm_2(make_sym_vector("d", dim)) expr = var("hankel_1")(0, k*r) scaling = var("I")/4 elif dim == 3: r = pymbolic_real_norm_2(make_sym_vector("d", dim)) expr = var("exp")(var("I")*k*r)/r scaling = 1/(4*var("pi")) else: raise RuntimeError("unsupported dimensionality") super().__init__( dim, expression=expr, global_scaling_const=scaling, is_complex_valued=True) self.helmholtz_k_name = helmholtz_k_name self.allow_evanescent = allow_evanescent def __getinitargs__(self): return (self.dim, self.helmholtz_k_name, self.allow_evanescent) def update_persistent_hash(self, key_hash, key_builder): key_hash.update(type(self).__name__.encode("utf8")) key_builder.rec(key_hash, (self.dim, self.helmholtz_k_name, self.allow_evanescent)) def __repr__(self): return "HelmKnl%dD(%s)" % ( self.dim, self.helmholtz_k_name) def prepare_loopy_kernel(self, loopy_knl): from sumpy.codegen import register_bessel_callables return register_bessel_callables(loopy_knl) def get_args(self): if self.allow_evanescent: k_dtype = np.complex128 else: k_dtype = np.float64 return [ KernelArgument( loopy_arg=lp.ValueArg(self.helmholtz_k_name, k_dtype), )] mapper_method = "map_helmholtz_kernel" def get_derivative_taker(self, dvec, rscale, sac): """Return a :class:`` instance that supports taking derivatives of the base kernel with respect to dvec. """ from import HelmholtzDerivativeTaker return HelmholtzDerivativeTaker(self.get_expression(dvec), dvec, rscale, sac) def get_pde_as_diff_op(self): from sumpy.expansion.diff_op import make_identity_diff_op, laplacian w = make_identity_diff_op(self.dim) k = sym.Symbol(self.helmholtz_k_name) return (laplacian(w) + k**2 * w)
[docs]class YukawaKernel(ExpressionKernel): init_arg_names = ("dim", "yukawa_lambda_name") def __init__(self, dim, yukawa_lambda_name="lam"): """ :arg yukawa_lambda_name: The argument name to use for the Yukawa parameter when generating functions to evaluate this kernel. """ lam = var(yukawa_lambda_name) # NOTE: The Yukawa kernel is given by [1] # -1/(2 pi)**(n/2) * (lam/r)**(n/2-1) * K(n/2-1, lam r) # where K is a modified Bessel function of the second kind. # # [1] # [2] # [3] # [4] r = pymbolic_real_norm_2(make_sym_vector("d", dim)) if dim == 2: # NOTE: transform K(0, lam r) into a Hankel function using [2] expr = var("hankel_1")(0, var("I")*lam*r) scaling_for_K0 = var("pi")/2*var("I") # noqa: N806 scaling = -1/(2*var("pi")) * scaling_for_K0 elif dim == 3: # NOTE: to get the expression, we do the following and simplify # 1. express K(1/2, lam r) as a modified spherical Bessel function # k(0, lam r) using [3] and use expression for k(0, lam r) from [4] # 2. or use (AS 10.2.17) directly expr = var("exp")(-lam*r) / r scaling = -1/(4 * var("pi")**2) else: raise RuntimeError("unsupported dimensionality") super().__init__( dim, expression=expr, global_scaling_const=scaling, is_complex_valued=True) self.yukawa_lambda_name = yukawa_lambda_name def __getinitargs__(self): return (self.dim, self.yukawa_lambda_name) def update_persistent_hash(self, key_hash, key_builder): key_hash.update(type(self).__name__.encode("utf8")) key_builder.rec(key_hash, (self.dim, self.yukawa_lambda_name)) def __repr__(self): return "YukKnl%dD(%s)" % ( self.dim, self.yukawa_lambda_name) def prepare_loopy_kernel(self, loopy_knl): from sumpy.codegen import register_bessel_callables return register_bessel_callables(loopy_knl) def get_args(self): return [ KernelArgument( loopy_arg=lp.ValueArg(self.yukawa_lambda_name, np.float64), )] mapper_method = "map_yukawa_kernel" def get_derivative_taker(self, dvec, rscale, sac): """Return a :class:`` instance that supports taking derivatives of the base kernel with respect to dvec. """ from import HelmholtzDerivativeTaker return HelmholtzDerivativeTaker(self.get_expression(dvec), dvec, rscale, sac) def get_pde_as_diff_op(self): from sumpy.expansion.diff_op import make_identity_diff_op, laplacian w = make_identity_diff_op(self.dim) lam = sym.Symbol(self.yukawa_lambda_name) return (laplacian(w) - lam**2 * w)
[docs]class ElasticityKernel(ExpressionKernel): init_arg_names = ("dim", "icomp", "jcomp", "viscosity_mu", "poisson_ratio") def __new__(cls, dim, icomp, jcomp, viscosity_mu="mu", poisson_ratio="nu"): if poisson_ratio == 0.5: instance = super(ElasticityKernel, cls).__new__(StokesletKernel) else: instance = super(ElasticityKernel, cls).__new__(cls) return instance def __init__(self, dim, icomp, jcomp, viscosity_mu="mu", poisson_ratio="nu"): r""" :arg viscosity_mu: The argument name to use for dynamic viscosity :math:`\mu` when generating functions to evaluate this kernel. Can also be a numeric value. :arg poisson_ratio: The argument name to use for Poisson's ratio :math:`\nu` when generating functions to evaluate this kernel. Can also be a numeric value. """ if isinstance(viscosity_mu, str): mu = parse(viscosity_mu) else: mu = viscosity_mu if isinstance(poisson_ratio, str): nu = parse(poisson_ratio) else: nu = poisson_ratio if dim == 2: d = make_sym_vector("d", dim) r = pymbolic_real_norm_2(d) # See (Berger and Karageorghis 2001) expr = ( -var("log")(r)*((3 - 4 * nu) if icomp == jcomp else 0) + # noqa: W504 d[icomp]*d[jcomp]/r**2 ) scaling = -1/(8*var("pi")*(1 - nu)*mu) elif dim == 3: d = make_sym_vector("d", dim) r = pymbolic_real_norm_2(d) # Kelvin solution expr = ( (1/r)*((3 - 4*nu) if icomp == jcomp else 0) + # noqa: W504 d[icomp]*d[jcomp]/r**3 ) scaling = -1/(16*var("pi")*(1 - nu)*mu) else: raise RuntimeError("unsupported dimensionality") self.viscosity_mu = mu self.poisson_ratio = nu self.icomp = icomp self.jcomp = jcomp super().__init__( dim, expression=expr, global_scaling_const=scaling, is_complex_valued=False) def __getinitargs__(self): return (self.dim, self.icomp, self.jcomp, self.viscosity_mu, self.poisson_ratio) def __reduce__(self): return (ElasticityKernel, self.__getinitargs__()) def update_persistent_hash(self, key_hash, key_builder): from pymbolic.mapper.persistent_hash import PersistentHashWalkMapper key_hash.update(type(self).__name__.encode()) key_builder.rec(key_hash, (self.dim, self.icomp, self.jcomp)) mapper = PersistentHashWalkMapper(key_hash) mapper(self.viscosity_mu) mapper(self.poisson_ratio) def __repr__(self): return "ElasticityKnl%dD_%d%d" % (self.dim, self.icomp, self.jcomp) @memoize_method def get_args(self): from import get_all_variables variables = get_all_variables(self.viscosity_mu) res = [] for v in variables: res.append(KernelArgument(loopy_arg=lp.ValueArg(, np.float64))) return res + self.get_source_args() @memoize_method def get_source_args(self): from import get_all_variables variables = get_all_variables(self.poisson_ratio) res = [] for v in variables: res.append(KernelArgument(loopy_arg=lp.ValueArg(, np.float64))) return res mapper_method = "map_elasticity_kernel" def get_pde_as_diff_op(self): from sumpy.expansion.diff_op import make_identity_diff_op, laplacian w = make_identity_diff_op(self.dim) return laplacian(laplacian(w))
[docs]class StokesletKernel(ElasticityKernel): def __new__(cls, dim, icomp, jcomp, viscosity_mu="mu", poisson_ratio="0.5"): return object.__new__(cls) def __init__(self, dim, icomp, jcomp, viscosity_mu="mu", poisson_ratio=0.5): super().__init__(dim, icomp, jcomp, viscosity_mu, poisson_ratio) def __repr__(self): return "StokesletKnl%dD_%d%d" % (self.dim, self.icomp, self.jcomp)
[docs]class StressletKernel(ExpressionKernel): init_arg_names = ("dim", "icomp", "jcomp", "kcomp", "viscosity_mu") def __init__(self, dim, icomp, jcomp, kcomp, viscosity_mu="mu"): r""" :arg viscosity_mu: The argument name to use for dynamic viscosity :math:`\mu` the then generating functions to evaluate this kernel. """ # Mu is unused but kept for consistency with the stokeslet. if dim == 2: d = make_sym_vector("d", dim) r = pymbolic_real_norm_2(d) expr = ( d[icomp]*d[jcomp]*d[kcomp]/r**4 ) scaling = 1/(var("pi")) elif dim == 3: d = make_sym_vector("d", dim) r = pymbolic_real_norm_2(d) expr = ( d[icomp]*d[jcomp]*d[kcomp]/r**5 ) scaling = 3/(4*var("pi")) else: raise RuntimeError("unsupported dimensionality") self.icomp = icomp self.jcomp = jcomp self.kcomp = kcomp self.viscosity_mu = viscosity_mu super().__init__( dim, expression=expr, global_scaling_const=scaling, is_complex_valued=False) def __getinitargs__(self): return (self.dim, self.icomp, self.jcomp, self.kcomp, self.viscosity_mu) def update_persistent_hash(self, key_hash, key_builder): key_hash.update(type(self).__name__.encode()) key_builder.rec(key_hash, (self.dim, self.icomp, self.jcomp, self.kcomp, self.viscosity_mu)) def __repr__(self): return "StressletKnl%dD_%d%d%d" % (self.dim, self.icomp, self.jcomp, self.kcomp) mapper_method = "map_stresslet_kernel" def get_pde_as_diff_op(self): from sumpy.expansion.diff_op import make_identity_diff_op, laplacian w = make_identity_diff_op(self.dim) return laplacian(laplacian(w)) def get_args(self): return [ KernelArgument( loopy_arg=lp.ValueArg(self.viscosity_mu, np.float64), ) ]
[docs]class LineOfCompressionKernel(ExpressionKernel): """A kernel for the line of compression or dilatation of constant strength along the axis "axis" from zero to negative infinity. This is used for the explicit solution to half-space Elasticity problem. See [1] for details. [1]: Mindlin, R.: Force at a Point in the Interior of a Semi-Infinite Solid """ init_arg_names = ("dim", "axis", "viscosity_mu", "poisson_ratio") def __init__(self, dim=3, axis=2, viscosity_mu="mu", poisson_ratio="nu"): r""" :arg axis: axis number defaulting to 2 for the z axis. :arg viscosity_mu: The argument name to use for dynamic viscosity :math:`\mu` when generating functions to evaluate this kernel. Can also be a numeric value. :arg poisson_ratio: The argument name to use for Poisson's ratio :math:`\nu` when generating functions to evaluate this kernel. Can also be a numeric value. """ if isinstance(viscosity_mu, str): mu = parse(viscosity_mu) else: mu = viscosity_mu if isinstance(poisson_ratio, str): nu = parse(poisson_ratio) else: nu = poisson_ratio if dim == 3: d = make_sym_vector("d", dim) r = pymbolic_real_norm_2(d) # Kelvin solution expr = d[axis] * var("log")(r + d[axis]) - r scaling = (1 - 2*nu)/(4*var("pi")*mu) else: raise RuntimeError("unsupported dimensionality") self.viscosity_mu = mu self.poisson_ratio = nu self.axis = axis super().__init__( dim, expression=expr, global_scaling_const=scaling, is_complex_valued=False) def __getinitargs__(self): return (self.dim, self.axis, self.viscosity_mu, self.poisson_ratio) def update_persistent_hash(self, key_hash, key_builder): from pymbolic.mapper.persistent_hash import PersistentHashWalkMapper key_hash.update(type(self).__name__.encode()) key_builder.rec(key_hash, (self.dim, self.axis)) mapper = PersistentHashWalkMapper(key_hash) mapper(self.viscosity_mu) mapper(self.poisson_ratio) def __repr__(self): return "LineOfCompressionKnl%dD_%d" % (self.dim, self.axis) @memoize_method def get_args(self): from import get_all_variables variables = list(get_all_variables(self.viscosity_mu)) \ + list(get_all_variables(self.poisson_ratio)) res = [] for v in variables: res.append(KernelArgument(loopy_arg=lp.ValueArg(, np.float64))) return res mapper_method = "map_line_of_compression_kernel" def get_pde_as_diff_op(self): from sumpy.expansion.diff_op import make_identity_diff_op, laplacian w = make_identity_diff_op(self.dim) return laplacian(w)
# }}} # {{{ a kernel defined as wrapping another one--e.g., derivatives class KernelWrapper(Kernel): def __init__(self, inner_kernel): Kernel.__init__(self, inner_kernel.dim) self.inner_kernel = inner_kernel def get_base_kernel(self): return self.inner_kernel.get_base_kernel() def prepare_loopy_kernel(self, loopy_knl): return self.inner_kernel.prepare_loopy_kernel(loopy_knl) @property def is_complex_valued(self): return self.inner_kernel.is_complex_valued def get_expression(self, scaled_dist_vec): return self.inner_kernel.get_expression(scaled_dist_vec) def get_derivative_transformation_at_source(self, expr_dict): return self.inner_kernel.get_derivative_transformation_at_source(expr_dict) def get_derivative_transformation_at_target(self, expr_dict): return self.inner_kernel.get_derivative_transformation_at_target(expr_dict) def get_global_scaling_const(self): return self.inner_kernel.get_global_scaling_const() def get_code_transformer(self): return self.inner_kernel.get_code_transformer() def get_args(self): return self.inner_kernel.get_args() def get_source_args(self): return self.inner_kernel.get_source_args() def replace_base_kernel(self, new_base_kernel): raise NotImplementedError("replace_base_kernel is not implemented " "for this wrapper.") def get_derivative_taker(self, dvec, rscale, sac): return self.inner_kernel.get_derivative_taker(dvec, rscale, sac) # }}} # {{{ derivatives
[docs]class DerivativeBase(KernelWrapper): pass
[docs]class AxisSourceDerivative(DerivativeBase): init_arg_names = ("axis", "inner_kernel") def __init__(self, axis, inner_kernel): KernelWrapper.__init__(self, inner_kernel) self.axis = axis def __getinitargs__(self): return (self.axis, self.inner_kernel) def __str__(self): return "d/dy%d %s" % (self.axis, self.inner_kernel) def __repr__(self): return "AxisSourceDerivative(%d, %r)" % (self.axis, self.inner_kernel) def get_derivative_transformation_at_source(self, expr_dict): expr_dict = self.inner_kernel.get_derivative_transformation_at_source( expr_dict) result = dict() for mi, coeff in expr_dict.items(): new_mi = list(mi) new_mi[self.axis] += 1 result[tuple(new_mi)] = -coeff return result def replace_base_kernel(self, new_base_kernel): return type(self)(self.axis, self.inner_kernel.replace_base_kernel(new_base_kernel)) def replace_inner_kernel(self, new_inner_kernel): return type(self)(self.axis, new_inner_kernel) mapper_method = "map_axis_source_derivative"
[docs]class AxisTargetDerivative(DerivativeBase): init_arg_names = ("axis", "inner_kernel") def __init__(self, axis, inner_kernel): KernelWrapper.__init__(self, inner_kernel) self.axis = axis def __getinitargs__(self): return (self.axis, self.inner_kernel) def __str__(self): return "d/dx%d %s" % (self.axis, self.inner_kernel) def __repr__(self): return "AxisTargetDerivative(%d, %r)" % (self.axis, self.inner_kernel) def get_derivative_transformation_at_target(self, expr_dict): expr_dict = self.inner_kernel.get_derivative_transformation_at_target( expr_dict) result = dict() for mi, coeff in expr_dict.items(): new_mi = list(mi) new_mi[self.axis] += 1 result[tuple(new_mi)] = coeff return result def replace_base_kernel(self, new_base_kernel): return type(self)(self.axis, self.inner_kernel.replace_base_kernel(new_base_kernel)) def replace_inner_kernel(self, new_inner_kernel): return type(self)(self.axis, new_inner_kernel) mapper_method = "map_axis_target_derivative"
class _VectorIndexAdder(CSECachingMapperMixin, IdentityMapper): def __init__(self, vec_name, additional_indices): self.vec_name = vec_name self.additional_indices = additional_indices def map_subscript(self, expr): from pymbolic.primitives import CommonSubexpression if == self.vec_name \ and isinstance(expr.index, int): return CommonSubexpression(expr.aggregate.index( (expr.index,) + self.additional_indices)) else: return IdentityMapper.map_subscript(self, expr) map_common_subexpression_uncached = IdentityMapper.map_common_subexpression class DirectionalDerivative(DerivativeBase): init_arg_names = ("inner_kernel", "dir_vec_name") def __init__(self, inner_kernel, dir_vec_name=None): if dir_vec_name is None: dir_vec_name = self.directional_kind + "_derivative_dir" else: from warnings import warn warn("specified the name of the direction vector", stacklevel=2) KernelWrapper.__init__(self, inner_kernel) self.dir_vec_name = dir_vec_name def __getinitargs__(self): return (self.inner_kernel, self.dir_vec_name) def update_persistent_hash(self, key_hash, key_builder): key_hash.update(type(self).__name__.encode("utf8")) key_builder.rec(key_hash, self.inner_kernel) key_builder.rec(key_hash, self.dir_vec_name) def replace_base_kernel(self, new_base_kernel): return type(self)(self.inner_kernel.replace_base_kernel(new_base_kernel), dir_vec_name=self.dir_vec_name) def __str__(self): return r"{} . \/_{} {}".format( self.dir_vec_name, self.directional_kind[0], self.inner_kernel) def __repr__(self): return "{}({!r}, {})".format( type(self).__name__, self.inner_kernel, self.dir_vec_name)
[docs]class DirectionalTargetDerivative(DirectionalDerivative): directional_kind = "tgt" def get_code_transformer(self): from sumpy.codegen import VectorComponentRewriter vcr = VectorComponentRewriter([self.dir_vec_name]) from pymbolic.primitives import Variable via = _VectorIndexAdder(self.dir_vec_name, (Variable("itgt"),)) def transform(expr): return via(vcr(expr)) return transform def get_derivative_transformation_at_target(self, expr_dict): from sumpy.symbolic import make_sym_vector as make_sympy_vector dir_vec = make_sympy_vector(self.dir_vec_name, self.dim) expr_dict = self.inner_kernel.get_derivative_transformation_at_target( expr_dict) # bvec = tgt - center result = defaultdict(lambda: 0) for mi, coeff in expr_dict.items(): for axis in range(self.dim): new_mi = list(mi) new_mi[axis] += 1 result[tuple(new_mi)] += coeff * dir_vec[axis] return result def get_source_args(self): return [ KernelArgument( loopy_arg=lp.GlobalArg( self.dir_vec_name, None, shape=(self.dim, "ntargets"), dim_tags="sep,C"), ) ] + self.inner_kernel.get_source_args() mapper_method = "map_directional_target_derivative"
[docs]class DirectionalSourceDerivative(DirectionalDerivative): directional_kind = "src" def get_code_transformer(self): inner = self.inner_kernel.get_code_transformer() from sumpy.codegen import VectorComponentRewriter vcr = VectorComponentRewriter([self.dir_vec_name]) from pymbolic.primitives import Variable via = _VectorIndexAdder(self.dir_vec_name, (Variable("isrc"),)) def transform(expr): return via(vcr(inner(expr))) return transform def get_derivative_transformation_at_source(self, expr_dict): from sumpy.symbolic import make_sym_vector as make_sympy_vector dir_vec = make_sympy_vector(self.dir_vec_name, self.dim) expr_dict = self.inner_kernel.get_derivative_transformation_at_source( expr_dict) # avec = center-src -> minus sign from chain rule result = defaultdict(lambda: 0) for mi, coeff in expr_dict.items(): for axis in range(self.dim): new_mi = list(mi) new_mi[axis] += 1 result[tuple(new_mi)] += -coeff * dir_vec[axis] return result def get_source_args(self): return [ KernelArgument( loopy_arg=lp.GlobalArg( self.dir_vec_name, None, shape=(self.dim, "nsources"), dim_tags="sep,C"), ) ] + self.inner_kernel.get_source_args() mapper_method = "map_directional_source_derivative"
class TargetPointMultiplier(KernelWrapper): """Wraps a kernel :math:`G(x, y)` and outputs :math:`x_j G(x, y)` where :math:`x, y` are targets and sources respectively. """ init_arg_names = ("axis", "inner_kernel") target_array_name = "targets" def __init__(self, axis, inner_kernel): KernelWrapper.__init__(self, inner_kernel) self.axis = axis def __getinitargs__(self): return (self.axis, self.inner_kernel) def __str__(self): return "x%d %s" % (self.axis, self.inner_kernel) def __repr__(self): return "TargetPointMultiplier(%d, %r)" % (self.axis, self.inner_kernel) def replace_base_kernel(self, new_base_kernel): return type(self)(self.axis, self.inner_kernel.replace_base_kernel(new_base_kernel)) def replace_inner_kernel(self, new_inner_kernel): return type(self)(self.axis, new_inner_kernel) def postprocess_at_target(self, expr, avec): from sumpy.symbolic import make_sym_vector as make_sympy_vector from import (ExprDerivativeTaker, DifferentiatedExprDerivativeTaker) expr = self.inner_kernel.postprocess_at_target(expr, avec) target_vec = make_sympy_vector(self.target_array_name, self.dim) if isinstance(expr, (ExprDerivativeTaker, DifferentiatedExprDerivativeTaker)): class DerivativeTakerWrapper: def __init__(self, taker, vec, axis): self.taker = taker self.vec = vec self.axis = axis def diff(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.vec[self.axis] * self.taker.diff(*args, **kwargs) return DerivativeTakerWrapper(expr, target_vec, self.axis) return target_vec[self.axis] * expr def get_code_transformer(self): from sumpy.codegen import VectorComponentRewriter vcr = VectorComponentRewriter([self.target_array_name]) from pymbolic.primitives import Variable via = _VectorIndexAdder(self.target_array_name, (Variable("itgt"),)) def transform(expr): return via(vcr(expr)) return transform mapper_method = "map_target_point_multiplier" # }}} # {{{ kernel mappers
[docs]class KernelMapper: def rec(self, kernel): try: method = getattr(self, kernel.mapper_method) except AttributeError: raise RuntimeError("{} cannot handle {}".format( type(self), type(kernel))) else: return method(kernel) __call__ = rec
[docs]class KernelCombineMapper(KernelMapper): def map_difference_kernel(self, kernel): return self.combine([ self.rec(kernel.kernel_plus), self.rec(kernel.kernel_minus)]) def map_axis_target_derivative(self, kernel): return self.rec(kernel.inner_kernel) map_directional_target_derivative = map_axis_target_derivative map_directional_source_derivative = map_axis_target_derivative map_axis_source_derivative = map_axis_target_derivative map_target_point_multiplier = map_axis_target_derivative
[docs]class KernelIdentityMapper(KernelMapper): def map_expression_kernel(self, kernel): return kernel map_laplace_kernel = map_expression_kernel map_biharmonic_kernel = map_expression_kernel map_helmholtz_kernel = map_expression_kernel map_yukawa_kernel = map_expression_kernel map_elasticity_kernel = map_expression_kernel map_line_of_compression_kernel = map_expression_kernel map_stresslet_kernel = map_expression_kernel def map_axis_target_derivative(self, kernel): return type(kernel)(kernel.axis, self.rec(kernel.inner_kernel)) map_axis_source_derivative = map_axis_target_derivative map_target_point_multiplier = map_axis_target_derivative def map_directional_target_derivative(self, kernel): return type(kernel)( self.rec(kernel.inner_kernel), kernel.dir_vec_name) map_directional_source_derivative = map_directional_target_derivative
[docs]class AxisSourceDerivativeRemover(KernelIdentityMapper): def map_axis_source_derivative(self, kernel): return self.rec(kernel.inner_kernel)
[docs]class AxisTargetDerivativeRemover(KernelIdentityMapper): def map_axis_target_derivative(self, kernel): return self.rec(kernel.inner_kernel)
[docs]class TargetDerivativeRemover(AxisTargetDerivativeRemover): def map_directional_target_derivative(self, kernel): return self.rec(kernel.inner_kernel)
[docs]class SourceDerivativeRemover(AxisSourceDerivativeRemover): def map_directional_source_derivative(self, kernel): return self.rec(kernel.inner_kernel)
class TargetTransformationRemover(TargetDerivativeRemover): def map_target_point_multiplier(self, kernel): return self.rec(kernel.inner_kernel) SourceTransformationRemover = SourceDerivativeRemover
[docs]class DerivativeCounter(KernelCombineMapper): def combine(self, values): return max(values) def map_expression_kernel(self, kernel): return 0 map_laplace_kernel = map_expression_kernel map_biharmonic_kernel = map_expression_kernel map_helmholtz_kernel = map_expression_kernel map_yukawa_kernel = map_expression_kernel map_line_of_compression_kernel = map_expression_kernel map_stresslet_kernel = map_expression_kernel def map_axis_target_derivative(self, kernel): return 1 + self.rec(kernel.inner_kernel) map_directional_target_derivative = map_axis_target_derivative map_directional_source_derivative = map_axis_target_derivative map_axis_source_derivative = map_axis_target_derivative
# }}} def to_kernel_and_args(kernel_like): if (isinstance(kernel_like, tuple) and len(kernel_like) == 2 and isinstance(kernel_like[0], Kernel)): # already gone through to_kernel_and_args return kernel_like if not isinstance(kernel_like, Kernel): if kernel_like == 0: return LaplaceKernel(), {} elif isinstance(kernel_like, str): return HelmholtzKernel(None), {"k": var(kernel_like)} else: raise ValueError("Only Kernel instances, 0 (for Laplace) and " "variable names (strings) " "for the Helmholtz parameter are allowed as kernels.") return kernel_like, {} # vim: fdm=marker