Source code for sumpy.expansion

__copyright__ = "Copyright (C) 2012 Andreas Kloeckner"

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import logging
from pytools import memoize_method
import sumpy.symbolic as sym
from import add_mi
from typing import List, Tuple

__doc__ = """
.. autoclass:: ExpansionBase
.. autoclass:: LinearPDEBasedExpansionTermsWrangler

Expansion Factories

.. autoclass:: ExpansionFactoryBase
.. autoclass:: DefaultExpansionFactory
.. autoclass:: VolumeTaylorExpansionFactory

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# {{{ base class

[docs]class ExpansionBase: """ .. automethod:: with_kernel .. automethod:: __len__ .. automethod:: get_coefficient_identifiers .. automethod:: coefficients_from_source .. automethod:: translate_from .. automethod:: __eq__ .. automethod:: __ne__ """ init_arg_names = ("kernel", "order", "use_rscale") def __init__(self, kernel, order, use_rscale=None): # Don't be tempted to remove target derivatives here. # Line Taylor QBX can't do without them, because it can't # apply those derivatives to the expanded quantity. self.kernel = kernel self.order = order if use_rscale is None: use_rscale = True self.use_rscale = use_rscale # {{{ propagate kernel interface # This is here to conform this to enough of the kernel interface # to make it fit into sumpy.qbx.LayerPotential. @property def dim(self): return self.kernel.dim @property def is_complex_valued(self): return self.kernel.is_complex_valued def get_code_transformer(self): return self.kernel.get_code_transformer() def get_global_scaling_const(self): return self.kernel.get_global_scaling_const() def get_args(self): return self.kernel.get_args() def get_source_args(self): return self.kernel.get_source_args() # }}}
[docs] def with_kernel(self, kernel): return type(self)(kernel, self.order, self.use_rscale)
[docs] def __len__(self): return len(self.get_coefficient_identifiers())
[docs] def get_coefficient_identifiers(self): """ Returns the identifiers of the coefficients that actually get stored. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def coefficients_from_source(self, kernel, avec, bvec, rscale, sac=None): """Form an expansion from a source point. :arg avec: vector from source to center. :arg bvec: vector from center to target. Not usually necessary, except for line-Taylor expansion. :arg sac: a symbolic assignment collection where temporary expressions are stored. :returns: a list of :mod:`sympy` expressions representing the coefficients of the expansion. """ raise NotImplementedError
def coefficients_from_source_vec(self, kernels, avec, bvec, rscale, weights, sac=None): """Form an expansion with a linear combination of kernels and weights. :arg avec: vector from source to center. :arg bvec: vector from center to target. Not usually necessary, except for line-Taylor expansion. :arg sac: a symbolic assignment collection where temporary expressions are stored. :returns: a list of :mod:`sympy` expressions representing the coefficients of the expansion. """ result = [0]*len(self) for knl, weight in zip(kernels, weights): coeffs = self.coefficients_from_source(knl, avec, bvec, rscale, sac=sac) for i in range(len(result)): result[i] += weight * coeffs[i] return result def evaluate(self, kernel, coeffs, bvec, rscale, sac=None): """ :return: a :mod:`sympy` expression corresponding to the evaluated expansion with the coefficients in *coeffs*. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def translate_from(self, src_expansion, src_coeff_exprs, src_rscale, dvec, tgt_rscale, sac=None): raise NotImplementedError
def update_persistent_hash(self, key_hash, key_builder): key_hash.update(type(self).__name__.encode("utf8")) key_builder.rec(key_hash, self.kernel) key_builder.rec(key_hash, self.order) key_builder.rec(key_hash, self.use_rscale)
[docs] def __eq__(self, other): return ( type(self) == type(other) and self.kernel == other.kernel and self.order == other.order and self.use_rscale == other.use_rscale)
[docs] def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other)
def copy(self, **kwargs): new_kwargs = { name: getattr(self, name) for name in self.init_arg_names} for name in self.init_arg_names: new_kwargs[name] = kwargs.pop(name, getattr(self, name)) if kwargs: raise TypeError("unexpected keyword arguments '%s'" % ", ".join(kwargs)) return type(self)(**new_kwargs)
# }}} # {{{ expansion terms wrangler class ExpansionTermsWrangler: init_arg_names = ("order", "dim", "max_mi") def __init__(self, order, dim, max_mi=None): self.order = order self.dim = dim self.max_mi = max_mi def get_coefficient_identifiers(self): raise NotImplementedError def get_full_kernel_derivatives_from_stored(self, stored_kernel_derivatives, rscale, sac=None): raise NotImplementedError def get_stored_mpole_coefficients_from_full(self, full_mpole_coefficients, rscale, sac=None): raise NotImplementedError @memoize_method def get_full_coefficient_identifiers(self): """ Returns identifiers for every coefficient in the complete expansion. """ from pytools import ( generate_nonnegative_integer_tuples_summing_to_at_most as gnitstam) res = sorted(gnitstam(self.order, self.dim), key=sum) if self.max_mi is None: return res return [mi for mi in res if all(mi[i] <= self.max_mi[i] for i in range(self.dim))] def copy(self, **kwargs): new_kwargs = { name: getattr(self, name) for name in self.init_arg_names} for name in self.init_arg_names: new_kwargs[name] = kwargs.pop(name, getattr(self, name)) if kwargs: raise TypeError("unexpected keyword arguments '%s'" % ", ".join(kwargs)) return type(self)(**new_kwargs) @memoize_method def _split_coeffs_into_hyperplanes(self) -> List[Tuple[int, List[Tuple[int]]]]: r""" This splits the coefficients into :math:`O(p)` disjoint sets so that for each set, all the identifiers have the form, :math:`(m_1, m_2, ..., m_{j-1}, c, m_{j+1}, ... , m_{\text{dim}})` where :math:`c` is a constant. Geometrically, each set is an axis-aligned hyperplane. If this is an instance of :class:`LinearPDEBasedExpansionTermsWrangler`, then the number of sets will be :math:`O(1)`. In the returned object ``[(axis, [mi_1, mi2, ...]), ...]``, each element in the outer list represents a hyperplane. Each element is a 2-tuple where the first element in the tuple is the axis number *axis* to which the hyperplane is orthogonal. The second element in the tuple is a list of multi-indices in the hyperplane corresponding to the stored coefficients. E.g. for Laplace 3D order 4, the result could be:: [ (2, [(0, 0, 0), (1, 0, 0), (2, 0, 0), (3, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), (1, 1, 0), (2, 1, 0), (0, 2, 0), (1, 2, 0), (0, 3, 0)]), (2, [(0, 0, 1), (1, 0, 1), (2, 0, 1), (0, 1, 1), (1, 1, 1), (0, 2, 1)]), ] """ mis = self.get_full_coefficient_identifiers() mi_to_index = {mi: i for i, mi in enumerate(mis)} # Each hyperplane stored below is identified by a tuple of the axis # to which it is orthogonal to and the constant `c` described above hyperplanes = [] if isinstance(self, LinearPDEBasedExpansionTermsWrangler): pde_dict, = self.knl.get_pde_as_diff_op().eqs if not all(ident.mi in mi_to_index for ident in pde_dict): # The order of the expansion is less than the order of the PDE. # Treat as if full expansion. pass else: # Calculate the multi-index that appears last in in the PDE in # reverse degree lexicographic order (degrevlex). # The monomial ordering used here which is degrevlex, must match # the monomial ordering used in LinearPDEBasedExpansionTermsWrangler max_mi_idx = max(mi_to_index[ident.mi] for ident in pde_dict.keys()) max_mi = mis[max_mi_idx] hyperplanes.extend( (d, const) for d in range(self.dim) for const in range(max_mi[d])) if not hyperplanes: d = self.dim - 1 hyperplanes.extend((d, const) for const in range(self.order + 1)) res = [] seen_mis = set() for d, const in hyperplanes: coeffs_in_hyperplane = [] for mi in self.get_coefficient_identifiers(): # Check if the multi-index is in this hyperplane and # if it is not in any of the hyperplanes we saw before # (This rejects coefficients that might be in multiple # hyperplanes, such as near the origin.) if mi[d] == const and mi not in seen_mis: coeffs_in_hyperplane.append(mi) seen_mis.add(mi) res.append((d, coeffs_in_hyperplane)) return res class FullExpansionTermsWrangler(ExpansionTermsWrangler): get_coefficient_identifiers = ( ExpansionTermsWrangler.get_full_coefficient_identifiers) def get_full_kernel_derivatives_from_stored(self, stored_kernel_derivatives, rscale, sac=None): return stored_kernel_derivatives get_stored_mpole_coefficients_from_full = ( get_full_kernel_derivatives_from_stored) # {{{ sparse matrix-vector multiplication class CSEMatVecOperator: """ A class to facilitate a fast matrix vector multiplication with common subexpression eliminated. In compressed Taylor series, the compression matrix's operation count can be reduced to `O(p**d)` from `O(p**{2d-1})` using CSE. Each row in the matrix is represented by a linear combination of values from input vector and a linear combination of values from the output vector. .. attribute:: from_input_coeffs_by_row An object of type ``List[List[Tuple[int, Any]]]``. Each element in the list represents a row of the matrix using a linear combination of values from the input vector. Each element has the form ``(index of input vector, coeff)``. Number of rows in the matrix represented is equal to the length of the `from_input_coeffs_by_row` list. .. attribute:: from_output_coeffs_by_row An object of type ``List[List[Tuple[int, Any]]]``. Each element in the list represents a row of the matrix using a linear combination of values from the output vector. Each element has the form ``(index of output vector, coeff)``. .. attribute:: shape Shape of the matrix as a tuple. """ def __init__(self, from_input_coeffs_by_row, from_output_coeffs_by_row, shape): self.from_input_coeffs_by_row = from_input_coeffs_by_row self.from_output_coeffs_by_row = from_output_coeffs_by_row self.shape = shape assert len(self.from_input_coeffs_by_row) == shape[0] assert len(self.from_output_coeffs_by_row) == shape[0] def matvec(self, inp, wrap_intermediate=lambda x: x): """ :arg inp: vector for the matrix vector multiplication :arg wrap_intermediate: a function to wrap intermediate expressions If not given, the number of operations might grow in the final expressions in the vector resulting in an expensive matvec. """ assert len(inp) == self.shape[1] out = [] for i in range(self.shape[0]): value = 0 for input_index, coeff in self.from_input_coeffs_by_row[i]: value += inp[input_index] * coeff for output_index, coeff in self.from_output_coeffs_by_row[i]: value += out[output_index] * coeff out.append(wrap_intermediate(value)) return out def transpose_matvec(self, inp, wrap_intermediate=lambda x: x): assert len(inp) == self.shape[0] res = [0]*self.shape[1] expr_all = list(inp) for i in reversed(range(self.shape[0])): for output_index, coeff in self.from_output_coeffs_by_row[i]: expr_all[output_index] += expr_all[i] * coeff expr_all[output_index] = wrap_intermediate(expr_all[output_index]) for input_index, coeff in self.from_input_coeffs_by_row[i]: res[input_index] += expr_all[i] * coeff return res # }}}
[docs]class LinearPDEBasedExpansionTermsWrangler(ExpansionTermsWrangler): """ .. automethod:: __init__ """ init_arg_names = ("order", "dim", "knl", "max_mi")
[docs] def __init__(self, order, dim, knl, max_mi=None): r""" :param order: order of the expansion :param dim: number of dimensions :param knl: kernel for the PDE """ super().__init__(order, dim, max_mi) self.knl = knl
def get_coefficient_identifiers(self): return self.stored_identifiers def get_full_kernel_derivatives_from_stored(self, stored_kernel_derivatives, rscale, sac=None): from import add_to_sac projection_matrix = self.get_projection_matrix(rscale) return projection_matrix.matvec(stored_kernel_derivatives, lambda x: add_to_sac(sac, x)) def get_stored_mpole_coefficients_from_full(self, full_mpole_coefficients, rscale, sac=None): from import add_to_sac projection_matrix = self.get_projection_matrix(rscale) return projection_matrix.transpose_matvec(full_mpole_coefficients, lambda x: add_to_sac(sac, x)) @property def stored_identifiers(self): stored_identifiers, _ = self.get_stored_ids_and_unscaled_projection_matrix() return stored_identifiers @memoize_method def get_stored_ids_and_unscaled_projection_matrix(self): from pytools import ProcessLogger plog = ProcessLogger(logger, "compute PDE for Taylor coefficients") mis = self.get_full_coefficient_identifiers() coeff_ident_enumerate_dict = {tuple(mi): i for (i, mi) in enumerate(mis)} diff_op = self.knl.get_pde_as_diff_op() assert len(diff_op.eqs) == 1 pde_dict = {k.mi: v for k, v in diff_op.eqs[0].items()} for ident in pde_dict.keys(): if ident not in coeff_ident_enumerate_dict: # Order of the expansion is less than the order of the PDE. # In that case, the compression matrix is the identity matrix # and there's nothing to project from_input_coeffs_by_row = [[(i, 1)] for i in range(len(mis))] from_output_coeffs_by_row = [[] for _ in range(len(mis))] shape = (len(mis), len(mis)) op = CSEMatVecOperator(from_input_coeffs_by_row, from_output_coeffs_by_row, shape) return mis, op # Calculate the multi-index that appears last in in the PDE in # reverse degree lexicographic order (degrevlex). max_mi_idx = max(coeff_ident_enumerate_dict[ident] for ident in pde_dict.keys()) max_mi = mis[max_mi_idx] max_mi_coeff = pde_dict[max_mi] max_mi_mult = -1/sym.sympify(max_mi_coeff) def is_stored(mi): """ A multi_index mi is not stored if mi >= max_mi """ return any(mi[d] < max_mi[d] for d in range(self.dim)) stored_identifiers = [] from_input_coeffs_by_row = [] from_output_coeffs_by_row = [] for i, mi in enumerate(mis): # If the multi-index is to be stored, keep the projection matrix # entry empty if is_stored(mi): idx = len(stored_identifiers) stored_identifiers.append(mi) from_input_coeffs_by_row.append([(idx, 1)]) from_output_coeffs_by_row.append([]) continue diff = [mi[d] - max_mi[d] for d in range(self.dim)] # eg: u_xx + u_yy + u_zz is represented as # [((2, 0, 0), 1), ((0, 2, 0), 1), ((0, 0, 2), 1)] assignment = [] for other_mi, coeff in pde_dict.items(): j = coeff_ident_enumerate_dict[add_mi(other_mi, diff)] if i == j: # Skip the u_zz part here. continue # PDE might not have max_mi_coeff = -1, divide by -max_mi_coeff # to get a relation of the form, u_zz = - u_xx - u_yy for Laplace 3D. assignment.append((j, coeff*max_mi_mult)) from_input_coeffs_by_row.append([]) from_output_coeffs_by_row.append(assignment) plog.done() logger.debug("number of Taylor coefficients was reduced from {orig} to {red}" .format(orig=len(self.get_full_coefficient_identifiers()), red=len(stored_identifiers))) shape = (len(mis), len(stored_identifiers)) op = CSEMatVecOperator(from_input_coeffs_by_row, from_output_coeffs_by_row, shape) return stored_identifiers, op @memoize_method def get_projection_matrix(self, rscale): r""" Return a :class:`CSEMatVecOperator` object which exposes a matrix vector multiplication operator for the projection matrix that expresses every derivative in terms of a set of "stored" derivatives. For example, for the PDE:: u_xx + u_yy + u_zz = 0 the coefficient matrix features the following entries:: ... u_xx u_yy ... <= cols = only stored derivatives ================== ...| ... ... ... ... | u_zz| ... -1 -1 ... ^ rows = one for every derivative the projection matrix `M` is the transpose of the coefficient matrix, so that .. math:: c^{\text{local}}_{\text{full}} = M^T c^{\text{local}}_{\text{stored}}.\\ c^{\text{mpole}}_{\text{stored}} = M c^{\text{mpole}}_{\text{full}}. """ _, projection_matrix = \ self.get_stored_ids_and_unscaled_projection_matrix() full_coeffs = self.get_full_coefficient_identifiers() projection_with_rscale = [] for row, assignment in \ enumerate(projection_matrix.from_output_coeffs_by_row): # For eg: (u_xxx / rscale**3) = (u_yy / rscale**2) * coeff1 + # (u_xx / rscale**2) * coeff2 # is converted to u_xxx = u_yy * (rscale * coeff1) + # u_xx * (rscale * coeff2) row_rscale = sum(full_coeffs[row]) from_output_coeffs_with_rscale = [] for k, coeff in assignment: diff = row_rscale - sum(full_coeffs[k]) mult = rscale**diff from_output_coeffs_with_rscale.append((k, coeff * mult)) projection_with_rscale.append(from_output_coeffs_with_rscale) shape = projection_matrix.shape return CSEMatVecOperator(projection_matrix.from_input_coeffs_by_row, projection_with_rscale, shape)
# }}} # {{{ volume taylor class VolumeTaylorExpansionBase: @classmethod def get_or_make_expansion_terms_wrangler(cls, *key): """ This stores the expansion terms wrangler at the class attribute level because recreating the expansion terms wrangler implicitly empties its caches. """ try: wrangler = cls.expansion_terms_wrangler_cache[key] except KeyError: wrangler = cls.expansion_terms_wrangler_class(*key) cls.expansion_terms_wrangler_cache[key] = wrangler return wrangler @property def expansion_terms_wrangler(self): return self.get_or_make_expansion_terms_wrangler( *self.expansion_terms_wrangler_key) def get_coefficient_identifiers(self): """ Returns the identifiers of the coefficients that actually get stored. """ return self.expansion_terms_wrangler.get_coefficient_identifiers() def get_full_coefficient_identifiers(self): return self.expansion_terms_wrangler.get_full_coefficient_identifiers() @property @memoize_method def _storage_loc_dict(self): return {i: idx for idx, i in enumerate(self.get_coefficient_identifiers())} def get_storage_index(self, i): return self._storage_loc_dict[i] class VolumeTaylorExpansion(VolumeTaylorExpansionBase): expansion_terms_wrangler_class = FullExpansionTermsWrangler expansion_terms_wrangler_cache = {} # not user-facing, be strict about having to pass use_rscale def __init__(self, kernel, order, use_rscale): self.expansion_terms_wrangler_key = (order, kernel.dim) class LinearPDEConformingVolumeTaylorExpansion(VolumeTaylorExpansionBase): expansion_terms_wrangler_class = LinearPDEBasedExpansionTermsWrangler expansion_terms_wrangler_cache = {} # not user-facing, be strict about having to pass use_rscale def __init__(self, kernel, order, use_rscale): self.expansion_terms_wrangler_key = (order, kernel.dim, kernel) class LaplaceConformingVolumeTaylorExpansion( LinearPDEConformingVolumeTaylorExpansion): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): from warnings import warn warn("LaplaceConformingVolumeTaylorExpansion is deprecated. " "Use LinearPDEConformingVolumeTaylorExpansion instead.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) class HelmholtzConformingVolumeTaylorExpansion( LinearPDEConformingVolumeTaylorExpansion): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): from warnings import warn warn("HelmholtzConformingVolumeTaylorExpansion is deprecated. " "Use LinearPDEConformingVolumeTaylorExpansion instead.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) class BiharmonicConformingVolumeTaylorExpansion( LinearPDEConformingVolumeTaylorExpansion): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): from warnings import warn warn("BiharmonicConformingVolumeTaylorExpansion is deprecated. " "Use LinearPDEConformingVolumeTaylorExpansion instead.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # }}} # {{{ expansion factory
[docs]class ExpansionFactoryBase: """An interface .. automethod:: get_local_expansion_class .. automethod:: get_multipole_expansion_class """ def get_local_expansion_class(self, base_kernel): """Returns a subclass of :class:`ExpansionBase` suitable for *base_kernel*. """ raise NotImplementedError() def get_multipole_expansion_class(self, base_kernel): """Returns a subclass of :class:`ExpansionBase` suitable for *base_kernel*. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class VolumeTaylorExpansionFactory(ExpansionFactoryBase): """An implementation of :class:`ExpansionFactoryBase` that uses Volume Taylor expansions for each kernel. """ def get_local_expansion_class(self, base_kernel): """Returns a subclass of :class:`ExpansionBase` suitable for *base_kernel*. """ from sumpy.expansion.local import VolumeTaylorLocalExpansion return VolumeTaylorLocalExpansion def get_multipole_expansion_class(self, base_kernel): """Returns a subclass of :class:`ExpansionBase` suitable for *base_kernel*. """ from sumpy.expansion.multipole import VolumeTaylorMultipoleExpansion return VolumeTaylorMultipoleExpansion
[docs]class DefaultExpansionFactory(ExpansionFactoryBase): """An implementation of :class:`ExpansionFactoryBase` that gives the 'best known' expansion for each kernel. """ def get_local_expansion_class(self, base_kernel): """Returns a subclass of :class:`ExpansionBase` suitable for *base_kernel*. """ from sumpy.kernel import (HelmholtzKernel, YukawaKernel) from sumpy.expansion.local import (H2DLocalExpansion, Y2DLocalExpansion, LinearPDEConformingVolumeTaylorLocalExpansion, VolumeTaylorLocalExpansion) if (isinstance(base_kernel.get_base_kernel(), HelmholtzKernel) and base_kernel.dim == 2): return H2DLocalExpansion elif (isinstance(base_kernel.get_base_kernel(), YukawaKernel) and base_kernel.dim == 2): return Y2DLocalExpansion try: base_kernel.get_base_kernel().get_pde_as_diff_op() return LinearPDEConformingVolumeTaylorLocalExpansion except NotImplementedError: return VolumeTaylorLocalExpansion def get_multipole_expansion_class(self, base_kernel): """Returns a subclass of :class:`ExpansionBase` suitable for *base_kernel*. """ from sumpy.kernel import (HelmholtzKernel, YukawaKernel) from sumpy.expansion.multipole import (H2DMultipoleExpansion, Y2DMultipoleExpansion, LinearPDEConformingVolumeTaylorMultipoleExpansion, VolumeTaylorMultipoleExpansion) if (isinstance(base_kernel.get_base_kernel(), HelmholtzKernel) and base_kernel.dim == 2): return H2DMultipoleExpansion elif (isinstance(base_kernel.get_base_kernel(), YukawaKernel) and base_kernel.dim == 2): return Y2DMultipoleExpansion try: base_kernel.get_base_kernel().get_pde_as_diff_op() return LinearPDEConformingVolumeTaylorMultipoleExpansion except NotImplementedError: return VolumeTaylorMultipoleExpansion
# }}} # vim: fdm=marker