Source code for loopy.kernel

"""Kernel object."""

__copyright__ = "Copyright (C) 2012 Andreas Kloeckner"

__license__ = """
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


from sys import intern

from collections import defaultdict

import numpy as np
from pytools import ImmutableRecordWithoutPickling, ImmutableRecord, memoize_method
from pytools.tag import Taggable
import islpy as isl
from islpy import dim_type
import re

from pytools import UniqueNameGenerator, generate_unique_names, natsorted

from loopy.diagnostic import CannotBranchDomainTree, LoopyError
from import update_persistent_hash
from loopy.diagnostic import StaticValueFindingError
from import filter_iname_tags_by_type, Iname
from warnings import warn

# {{{ unique var names

class _UniqueVarNameGenerator(UniqueNameGenerator):

    def __init__(self, existing_names=frozenset(), forced_prefix=""):
        super().__init__(existing_names, forced_prefix)
        array_prefix_pattern = re.compile("(.*)_s[0-9]+$")

        array_prefixes = set()
        for name in existing_names:
            match = array_prefix_pattern.match(name)
            if match is None:


        self.conflicting_array_prefixes = array_prefixes
        self.array_prefix_pattern = array_prefix_pattern

    def _name_added(self, name):
        match = self.array_prefix_pattern.match(name)
        if match is None:


    def is_name_conflicting(self, name):
        if name in self.existing_names:
            return True

        # Array dimensions implemented as separate arrays generate
        # names by appending '_s<NUMBER>'. Make sure that no
        # conflicts can arise from these names.

        # Case 1: a_s0 is already a name; we are trying to insert a
        # Case 2: a is already a name; we are trying to insert a_s0

        if name in self.conflicting_array_prefixes:
            return True

        match = self.array_prefix_pattern.match(name)
        if match is None:
            return False

        return in self.existing_names

# }}}

# {{{ loop kernel object

class _deprecated_KernelState_SCHEDULED:  # noqa
    def __init__(self, f):
        self.f = f

    def __get__(self, obj, klass):
            "'KernelState.SCHEDULED' is deprecated. "
            "Use 'KernelState.LINEARIZED'.",
            DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
        return self.f()

class KernelState:  # noqa
    INITIAL = 0

    def SCHEDULED():  # pylint:disable=no-method-argument
        return KernelState.LINEARIZED

# {{{ kernel_state, KernelState compataibility

class _deperecated_kernel_state_class_method:  # noqa
    def __init__(self, f):
        self.f = f

    def __get__(self, obj, klass):
        warn("'temp_var_scope' is deprecated. Use 'AddressSpace'.",
                DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
        return self.f()

class kernel_state:  # noqa
    """Deprecated. Use :class:`loopy.kernel.KernelState` instead.

    def INITIAL():  # pylint:disable=no-method-argument
        return KernelState.INITIAL

    def PREPROCESSED():  # pylint:disable=no-method-argument
        return KernelState.PREPROCESSED

    def SCHEDULED():  # pylint:disable=no-method-argument
        return KernelState.SCHEDULED

# }}}

def _get_inames_from_domains(domains):
    return frozenset().union(*
            (frozenset(dom.get_var_names(dim_type.set)) for dom in domains))

class _not_provided:  # noqa: N801

[docs]class LoopKernel(ImmutableRecordWithoutPickling, Taggable): """These correspond more or less directly to arguments of :func:`loopy.make_kernel`. .. note:: This data structure and its attributes should be considered immutable, even if it contains mutable data types. See :meth:`copy` for an easy way of producing a modified copy. .. attribute:: domains a list of :class:`islpy.BasicSet` instances representing the :ref:`domain-tree`. .. attribute:: instructions A list of :class:`InstructionBase` instances, e.g. :class:`Assignment`. See :ref:`instructions`. .. attribute:: args A list of :class:`loopy.KernelArgument` .. attribute:: schedule *None* or a list of :class:`loopy.schedule.ScheduleItem` .. attribute:: name .. attribute:: preambles .. attribute:: preamble_generators .. attribute:: assumptions A :class:`islpy.BasicSet` parameter domain. .. attribute:: local_sizes .. attribute:: temporary_variables A :class:`dict` of mapping variable names to :class:`loopy.TemporaryVariable` instances. .. attribute:: symbol_manglers .. attribute:: substitutions a mapping from substitution names to :class:`SubstitutionRule` objects .. attribute:: iname_slab_increments a dictionary mapping inames to (lower_incr, upper_incr) tuples that will be separated out in the execution to generate 'bulk' slabs with fewer conditionals. .. attribute:: loop_priority A frozenset of priority constraints to the kernel. Each such constraint is a tuple of inames. Inames occuring in such a tuple will be scheduled earlier than any iname following in the tuple. This applies only to inames with non-parallel implementation tags. .. attribute:: silenced_warnings .. attribute:: applied_iname_rewrites A list of past substitution dictionaries that were applied to the kernel. These are stored so that they may be repeated on expressions the user specifies later. .. attribute:: cache_manager .. attribute:: options An instance of :class:`loopy.Options` .. attribute:: state A value from :class:`KernelState`. .. attribute:: target A subclass of :class:`loopy.TargetBase`. .. attribute:: inames An instance of :class:`dict`, a mapping from the names of kernel's inames to their corresponding instances of :class:``. An entry is guaranteed to be present for each iname. .. automethod:: __call__ .. automethod:: copy .. automethod:: tagged .. automethod:: without_tags """ # {{{ constructor def __init__(self, domains, instructions, args=None, schedule=None, linearization=None, name="loopy_kernel", preambles=None, preamble_generators=None, assumptions=None, local_sizes=None, temporary_variables=None, inames=None, iname_to_tags=None, substitutions=None, symbol_manglers=None, iname_slab_increments=None, loop_priority=frozenset(), silenced_warnings=None, applied_iname_rewrites=None, cache_manager=None, index_dtype=None, options=None, state=KernelState.INITIAL, target=None, overridden_get_grid_sizes_for_insn_ids=None, _cached_written_variables=None, tags=frozenset()): """ :arg overridden_get_grid_sizes_for_insn_ids: A callable. When kernels get intersected in slab decomposition, their grid sizes shouldn't change. This provides a way to forward sub-kernel grid size requests. """ # {{{ process constructor arguments if args is None: args = [] if preambles is None: preambles = [] if preamble_generators is None: preamble_generators = [] if local_sizes is None: local_sizes = {} if temporary_variables is None: temporary_variables = {} if substitutions is None: substitutions = {} if symbol_manglers is None: symbol_manglers = [] if iname_slab_increments is None: iname_slab_increments = {} if silenced_warnings is None: silenced_warnings = [] if applied_iname_rewrites is None: applied_iname_rewrites = [] if cache_manager is None: from import SetOperationCacheManager cache_manager = SetOperationCacheManager() if iname_to_tags is not None: warn("Providing iname_to_tags is deprecated, pass inames instead. " "Will be unsupported in 2022.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) if inames is not None: raise LoopyError("Cannot provide both iname_to_tags and inames to " "LoopKernel.__init__") inames = { name: inames.get(name, Iname(name, frozenset())) for name in _get_inames_from_domains(domains)} assert isinstance(inames, dict) if index_dtype is None: index_dtype = np.int32 # }}} assert isinstance(assumptions, isl.BasicSet) assert assumptions.is_params() from loopy.types import to_loopy_type index_dtype = to_loopy_type(index_dtype, target=target) if not index_dtype.is_integral(): raise TypeError("index_dtype must be an integer") if np.iinfo(index_dtype.numpy_dtype).min >= 0: raise TypeError("index_dtype must be signed") if state not in [ KernelState.INITIAL, KernelState.CALLS_RESOLVED, KernelState.PREPROCESSED, KernelState.LINEARIZED, ]: raise ValueError("invalid value for 'state'") if linearization is not None: if schedule is not None: # these should not both be present raise ValueError( "received both `schedule` and `linearization` args, " "'LoopKernel.linearization' is deprecated. " "Use 'LoopKernel.linearization'.") elif schedule is not None: warn( "'LoopKernel.linearization' is deprecated. " "Use 'LoopKernel.linearization'.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) linearization = schedule assert assumptions.get_ctx() == isl.DEFAULT_CONTEXT super().__init__( domains=domains, instructions=instructions, args=args, linearization=linearization, name=name, preambles=preambles, preamble_generators=preamble_generators, assumptions=assumptions, iname_slab_increments=iname_slab_increments, loop_priority=loop_priority, silenced_warnings=silenced_warnings, temporary_variables=temporary_variables, local_sizes=local_sizes, inames=inames, substitutions=substitutions, cache_manager=cache_manager, applied_iname_rewrites=applied_iname_rewrites, symbol_manglers=symbol_manglers, index_dtype=index_dtype, options=options, state=state, target=target, overridden_get_grid_sizes_for_insn_ids=( overridden_get_grid_sizes_for_insn_ids), _cached_written_variables=_cached_written_variables, tags=tags) self._kernel_executor_cache = {} # }}} # {{{ symbol mangling def mangle_symbol(self, ast_builder, identifier): manglers = ast_builder.symbol_manglers() + self.symbol_manglers for mangler in manglers: result = mangler(self, identifier) if result is not None: return result return None # }}} # {{{ name wrangling @memoize_method def non_iname_variable_names(self): return (set(self.arg_dict.keys()) | set(self.temporary_variables.keys())) @memoize_method def all_variable_names(self, include_temp_storage=True): return ( set(self.temporary_variables.keys()) | {tv.base_storage for tv in self.temporary_variables.values() if tv.base_storage is not None and include_temp_storage} | set(self.substitutions.keys()) | { for arg in self.args} | set(self.all_inames())) def get_var_name_generator(self): return _UniqueVarNameGenerator(self.all_variable_names()) def get_instruction_id_generator(self, based_on="insn"): used_ids = { for insn in self.instructions} return UniqueNameGenerator(used_ids) def make_unique_instruction_id(self, insns=None, based_on="insn", extra_used_ids=frozenset()): if insns is None: insns = self.instructions used_ids = { for insn in insns} | extra_used_ids for id_str in generate_unique_names(based_on): if id_str not in used_ids: return intern(id_str) def all_group_names(self): result = set() for insn in self.instructions: result.update(insn.groups) result.update(insn.conflicts_with_groups) return frozenset(result) def get_group_name_generator(self): return _UniqueVarNameGenerator(set(self.all_group_names())) def get_var_descriptor(self, name): try: return self.arg_dict[name] except KeyError: pass try: return self.temporary_variables[name] except KeyError: pass if name in self.all_inames(): from loopy import TemporaryVariable return TemporaryVariable( name=name, dtype=self.index_dtype, shape=()) try: dtype, name = self.mangle_symbol(, name) from loopy import ValueArg return ValueArg(name, dtype) except TypeError: pass raise ValueError("nothing known about variable '%s'" % name) @property @memoize_method def id_to_insn(self): return { insn for insn in self.instructions} # }}} # {{{ domain wrangling @memoize_method def parents_per_domain(self): """Return a list corresponding to (by index) containing domain indices which are nested around this domain. Each domains nest list walks from the leaves of the nesting tree to the root. """ # The stack of iname sets records which inames are active # as we step through the linear list of domains. It also # determines the granularity of inames to be popped/decactivated # if we ascend a level. iname_set_stack = [] result = [] from import is_domain_dependent_on_inames for dom_idx, dom in enumerate( inames = set(dom.get_var_names(dim_type.set)) # This next domain may be nested inside the previous domain. # Or it may not, in which case we need to figure out how many # levels of parents we need to discard in order to find the # true parent. discard_level_count = 0 while discard_level_count < len(iname_set_stack): last_inames = ( iname_set_stack[-1-discard_level_count]) if discard_level_count + 1 < len(iname_set_stack): last_inames = ( last_inames - iname_set_stack[-2-discard_level_count]) if is_domain_dependent_on_inames(self, dom_idx, last_inames): break discard_level_count += 1 if discard_level_count: iname_set_stack = iname_set_stack[:-discard_level_count] if result: parent = len(result)-1 else: parent = None for _i in range(discard_level_count): assert parent is not None parent = result[parent] # found this domain's parent result.append(parent) if iname_set_stack: parent_inames = iname_set_stack[-1] else: parent_inames = set() iname_set_stack.append(parent_inames | inames) return result @memoize_method def all_parents_per_domain(self): """Return a list corresponding to (by index) containing domain indices which are nested around this domain. Each domains nest list walks from the leaves of the nesting tree to the root. """ result = [] ppd = self.parents_per_domain() for parent in ppd: # keep walking up tree to find *all* parents dom_result = [] while parent is not None: dom_result.insert(0, parent) parent = ppd[parent] result.append(dom_result) return result @memoize_method def _get_home_domain_map(self): return { iname: i_domain for i_domain, dom in enumerate( for iname in dom.get_var_names(dim_type.set)} def get_home_domain_index(self, iname): return self._get_home_domain_map()[iname] @property def isl_context(self): for dom in return dom.get_ctx() raise AssertionError() @memoize_method def combine_domains(self, domains): """ :arg domains: domain indices of domains to be combined. More 'dominant' domains (those which get most say on the actual dim_type of an iname) must be later in the order. """ assert isinstance(domains, tuple) # for caching if not domains: return isl.BasicSet.universe(isl.Space.set_alloc( self.isl_context, 0, 0)) result = None for dom_index in domains: dom =[dom_index] if result is None: result = dom else: aligned_dom, aligned_result = isl.align_two( dom, result) result = aligned_result & aligned_dom return result def get_inames_domain(self, inames): if not inames: return self.combine_domains(()) if isinstance(inames, str): inames = frozenset([inames]) if not isinstance(inames, frozenset): inames = frozenset(inames) from warnings import warn warn("get_inames_domain did not get a frozenset", stacklevel=2) return self._get_inames_domain_backend(inames) @memoize_method def get_leaf_domain_indices(self, inames): """Find the leaves of the domain tree needed to cover all inames. :arg inames: a non-mutable iterable """ hdm = self._get_home_domain_map() ppd = self.all_parents_per_domain() domain_indices = set() # map root -> leaf root_to_leaf = {} for iname in inames: home_domain_index = hdm[iname] if home_domain_index in domain_indices: # nothin' new continue domain_path_to_root = [home_domain_index] + ppd[home_domain_index] current_root = domain_path_to_root[-1] previous_leaf = root_to_leaf.get(current_root) if previous_leaf is not None: # Check that we don't branch the domain tree. # # Branching the domain tree is dangerous/ill-formed because # it can introduce artificial restrictions on variables # further up the tree. prev_path_to_root = set([previous_leaf] + ppd[previous_leaf]) if not prev_path_to_root <= set(domain_path_to_root): raise CannotBranchDomainTree("iname set '%s' requires " "branch in domain tree (when adding '%s')" % (", ".join(inames), iname)) else: # We're adding a new root. That's fine. pass root_to_leaf[current_root] = home_domain_index domain_indices.update(domain_path_to_root) return list(root_to_leaf.values()) @memoize_method def _get_inames_domain_backend(self, inames): domain_indices = set() for leaf_dom_idx in self.get_leaf_domain_indices(inames): domain_indices.add(leaf_dom_idx) domain_indices.update(self.all_parents_per_domain()[leaf_dom_idx]) return self.combine_domains(tuple(sorted(domain_indices))) # }}} @property def schedule(self): warn( "LoopKernel.linearization is deprecated. " "Call LoopKernel.linearization instead, " "will be unsupported in 2022.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) return self.linearization # {{{ iname wrangling @property @memoize_method def iname_to_tags(self): warn( "LoopKernel.iname_to_tags is deprecated. " "Call LoopKernel.inames instead, " "will be unsupported in 2022.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) return {name: iname.tags for name, iname in self.inames.items() if iname.tags} def iname_tags(self, iname): return self.inames[iname].tags def iname_tags_of_type(self, iname, tag_type_or_types, max_num=None, min_num=None): """Return a subset of *tags* that matches type *tag_type*. Raises exception if the number of tags found were greater than *max_num* or less than *min_num*. :arg tags: An iterable of tags. :arg tag_type_or_types: a subclass of :class:``. :arg max_num: the maximum number of tags expected to be found. :arg min_num: the minimum number of tags expected to be found. """ from import filter_iname_tags_by_type return filter_iname_tags_by_type( self.iname_tags(iname), tag_type_or_types, max_num=max_num, min_num=min_num) @memoize_method def all_inames(self): """ Returns a :class:`frozenset` of the names of all the inames in the kernel. """ return frozenset(self.inames.keys()) @memoize_method def all_params(self): all_inames = self.all_inames() result = set() for dom in result.update(set(dom.get_var_names(dim_type.param)) - all_inames) from import intern_frozenset_of_ids return intern_frozenset_of_ids(result) def outer_params(self): from import get_outer_params return get_outer_params( @memoize_method def all_insn_inames(self): """Return a mapping from instruction ids to inames inside which they should be run. """ result = {} for insn in self.instructions: result[] = insn.within_inames return result @memoize_method def all_referenced_inames(self): result = set() for inames in self.all_insn_inames().values(): result.update(inames) return result def insn_inames(self, insn): if isinstance(insn, str): insn = self.id_to_insn[insn] return insn.within_inames @memoize_method def iname_to_insns(self): result = { iname: set() for iname in self.all_inames()} for insn in self.instructions: for iname in insn.within_inames: result[iname].add( return result @memoize_method def _remove_inames_for_shared_hw_axes(self, cond_inames): """ See if cond_inames contains references to two (or more) inames that boil down to the same tag. If so, exclude them. (We shouldn't be writing conditionals for such inames because we would be implicitly restricting the other inames as well.) """ tag_key_uses = defaultdict(list) from import HardwareConcurrentTag for iname in cond_inames: tags = self.iname_tags_of_type(iname, HardwareConcurrentTag, max_num=1) if tags: tag, = tags tag_key_uses[tag.key].append(iname) multi_use_keys = { key for key, user_inames in tag_key_uses.items() if len(user_inames) > 1} multi_use_inames = set() for iname in cond_inames: tags = self.iname_tags_of_type(iname, HardwareConcurrentTag) if tags: tag, = filter_iname_tags_by_type(tags, HardwareConcurrentTag, 1) if tag.key in multi_use_keys: multi_use_inames.add(iname) return frozenset(cond_inames - multi_use_inames) # }}} # {{{ dependency wrangling @memoize_method def recursive_insn_dep_map(self): """Returns a :class:`dict` mapping an instruction IDs *a* to all instruction IDs it directly or indirectly depends on. """ result = {} def compute_deps(insn_id): try: return result[insn_id] except KeyError: pass insn = self.id_to_insn[insn_id] insn_result = set(insn.depends_on) for dep in list(insn.depends_on): insn_result.update(compute_deps(dep)) result[insn_id] = frozenset(insn_result) return insn_result for insn in self.instructions: compute_deps( return result # }}} # {{{ read and written variables @memoize_method def reader_map(self): """ :return: a dict that maps variable names to ids of insns that read that variable. """ result = {} admissible_vars = ( { for arg in self.args} | set(self.temporary_variables.keys())) for insn in self.instructions: for var_name in insn.read_dependency_names() & admissible_vars: result.setdefault(var_name, set()).add( return result @memoize_method def writer_map(self): """ :return: a dict that maps variable names to ids of insns that write to that variable. """ result = {} for insn in self.instructions: for var_name in insn.assignee_var_names(): result.setdefault(var_name, set()).add( return result @memoize_method def get_read_variables(self): result = set() for insn in self.instructions: result.update(insn.read_dependency_names()) for domain in result.update(domain.get_var_names(dim_type.param)) return result @memoize_method def get_written_variables(self): if self._cached_written_variables is not None: return self._cached_written_variables return frozenset( var_name for insn in self.instructions for var_name in insn.assignee_var_names()) @memoize_method def get_temporary_to_base_storage_map(self): result = {} for tv in self.temporary_variables.values(): if tv.base_storage: result[] = tv.base_storage return result @memoize_method def get_unwritten_value_args(self): written_vars = self.get_written_variables() from import ValueArg return { for arg in self.args if isinstance(arg, ValueArg) and not in written_vars} # }}} # {{{ argument wrangling @property @memoize_method def arg_dict(self): return { arg for arg in self.args} @property @memoize_method def scalar_loop_args(self): from import ValueArg if self.args is None: return [] else: from pytools import flatten loop_arg_names = list(flatten(dom.get_var_names(dim_type.param) for dom in return [ for arg in self.args if isinstance(arg, ValueArg) if in loop_arg_names] @memoize_method def global_var_names(self): from import AddressSpace from import ArrayArg return ( { for arg in self.args if (isinstance(arg, ArrayArg) and arg.address_space == AddressSpace.GLOBAL)} | { for tv in self.temporary_variables.values() if tv.address_space == AddressSpace.GLOBAL}) # }}} # {{{ bounds finding @memoize_method def get_iname_bounds(self, iname, constants_only=False): domain = self.get_inames_domain(frozenset([iname])) assumptions = self.assumptions.project_out_except( set(domain.get_var_dict(dim_type.param)), [dim_type.param]) aligned_assumptions, domain = isl.align_two(assumptions, domain) dom_intersect_assumptions = aligned_assumptions & domain if constants_only: # Kill all variable dependencies dom_intersect_assumptions = dom_intersect_assumptions.project_out_except( [iname], [dim_type.param, dim_type.set]) iname_idx = dom_intersect_assumptions.get_var_dict()[iname][1] lower_bound_pw_aff = ( self.cache_manager.dim_min( dom_intersect_assumptions, iname_idx) .coalesce()) upper_bound_pw_aff = ( self.cache_manager.dim_max( dom_intersect_assumptions, iname_idx) .coalesce()) class BoundsRecord(ImmutableRecord): pass size = (upper_bound_pw_aff - lower_bound_pw_aff + 1) size = size.gist(assumptions) return BoundsRecord( lower_bound_pw_aff=lower_bound_pw_aff, upper_bound_pw_aff=upper_bound_pw_aff, size=size) @memoize_method def get_constant_iname_length(self, iname): from loopy.isl_helpers import static_max_of_pw_aff from loopy.symbolic import aff_to_expr return int(aff_to_expr(static_max_of_pw_aff( self.get_iname_bounds(iname, constants_only=True).size, constants_only=True))) @memoize_method def get_grid_sizes_for_insn_ids_as_dicts(self, insn_ids, callables_table, ignore_auto=False): """ Returns a tuple of (global_sizes, local_sizes), where global_sizes, local_sizes are the grid sizes accommodating all of *insn_ids*. The grid sizes are a dict from the axis index to the corresponding grid size. """ all_inames_by_insns = set() for insn_id in insn_ids: all_inames_by_insns |= self.insn_inames(insn_id) if not all_inames_by_insns <= self.all_inames(): raise RuntimeError("some inames collected from instructions (%s) " "are not present in domain (%s)" % (", ".join(sorted(all_inames_by_insns)), ", ".join(sorted(self.all_inames())))) # {{{ include grid constraints due to callees global_sizes = {} local_sizes = {} from loopy.kernel.instruction import CallInstruction from loopy.symbolic import ResolvedFunction for insn in self.instructions: # TODO: This might be unsafe as call-sites must be resolved to get # any hardware axes size constraints they might impose. However, # transforms like 'precompute' use this method and callables might # not be resolved by then. if (isinstance(insn, CallInstruction) and isinstance(insn.expression.function, ResolvedFunction)): clbl = callables_table[] gsize, lsize = clbl.get_hw_axes_sizes(insn.arg_id_to_arg(),, callables_table) for tgt_dict, tgt_size in [(global_sizes, gsize), (local_sizes, lsize)]: for iaxis, size in tgt_size.items(): if iaxis in tgt_dict: tgt_dict[iaxis] = tgt_dict[iaxis].max(size) else: tgt_dict[iaxis] = size # }}} from import ( GroupInameTag, LocalInameTag, AutoLocalInameTagBase) for iname in all_inames_by_insns: tags = self.iname_tags_of_type( iname, (AutoLocalInameTagBase, GroupInameTag, LocalInameTag), max_num=1) if not tags: continue tag, = tags if isinstance(tag, AutoLocalInameTagBase) and not ignore_auto: raise RuntimeError("cannot find grid sizes if automatic " "local index tags are present") elif isinstance(tag, GroupInameTag): tgt_dict = global_sizes elif isinstance(tag, LocalInameTag): tgt_dict = local_sizes else: continue size = self.get_iname_bounds(iname).size if tag.axis in tgt_dict: size = tgt_dict[tag.axis].max(size) from loopy.isl_helpers import static_max_of_pw_aff try: # insist block size is constant size_as_aff = static_max_of_pw_aff(size, constants_only=isinstance(tag, LocalInameTag), context=self.assumptions) size = isl.PwAff.from_aff(size_as_aff) except StaticValueFindingError: pass tgt_dict[tag.axis] = size # {{{ override local_sizes with self.local_sizes for i_lsize, lsize in self.local_sizes.items(): if i_lsize <= max(local_sizes.keys()): local_sizes[i_lsize] = lsize else: from warnings import warn warn(f"Forced local sizes '{i_lsize}: {lsize}' is unused" f" because kernel '{}' uses {max(local_sizes.keys())}" " local hardware axes.") # }}} return global_sizes, local_sizes @memoize_method def get_grid_sizes_for_insn_ids(self, insn_ids, callables_table, ignore_auto=False, return_dict=False): """Return a tuple (global_size, local_size) containing a grid that could accommodate execution of all instructions whose IDs are given in *insn_ids*. :arg insn_ids: a :class:`frozenset` of instruction IDs *global_size* and *local_size* are :class:`islpy.PwAff` objects. """ if self.overridden_get_grid_sizes_for_insn_ids: gsize, lsize = self.overridden_get_grid_sizes_for_insn_ids( insn_ids, callables_table=callables_table, ignore_auto=ignore_auto) if return_dict: return dict(enumerate(gsize)), dict(enumerate(lsize)) else: return gsize, lsize global_sizes, local_sizes = self.get_grid_sizes_for_insn_ids_as_dicts( insn_ids, callables_table, ignore_auto=ignore_auto) if return_dict: return global_sizes, local_sizes def to_dim_tuple(size_dict, which): size_list = [] sorted_axes = sorted(size_dict.keys()) while sorted_axes: if sorted_axes: cur_axis = sorted_axes.pop(0) else: cur_axis = None assert cur_axis is not None if cur_axis > len(size_list): raise LoopyError("%s axis %d unused for %s" % ( which, len(size_list), size_list.append(size_dict[cur_axis]) return tuple(size_list) return (to_dim_tuple(global_sizes, "global"), to_dim_tuple(local_sizes, "local")) @memoize_method def get_grid_sizes_for_insn_ids_as_exprs(self, insn_ids, callables_table, ignore_auto=False, return_dict=False): """Return a tuple (global_size, local_size) containing a grid that could accommodate execution of all instructions whose IDs are given in *insn_ids*. :arg insn_ids: a :class:`frozenset` of instruction IDs *global_size* and *local_size* are :mod:`pymbolic` expressions """ grid_size, group_size = self.get_grid_sizes_for_insn_ids( insn_ids, callables_table, ignore_auto, return_dict) if return_dict: def dict_to_exprs(d): from loopy.symbolic import pw_aff_to_expr return {k: pw_aff_to_expr(v, int_ok=True) for k, v in d.items()} return dict_to_exprs(grid_size), dict_to_exprs(group_size) def tup_to_exprs(tup): from loopy.symbolic import pw_aff_to_expr return tuple(pw_aff_to_expr(i, int_ok=True) for i in tup) return tup_to_exprs(grid_size), tup_to_exprs(group_size) def get_grid_size_upper_bounds(self, callables_table, ignore_auto=False, return_dict=False): """Return a tuple (global_size, local_size) containing a grid that could accommodate execution of *all* instructions in the kernel. *global_size* and *local_size* are :class:`islpy.PwAff` objects. """ return self.get_grid_sizes_for_insn_ids( frozenset( for insn in self.instructions), callables_table, ignore_auto=ignore_auto, return_dict=return_dict) def get_grid_size_upper_bounds_as_exprs(self, callables_table, ignore_auto=False, return_dict=False): """Return a tuple (global_size, local_size) containing a grid that could accommodate execution of *all* instructions in the kernel. *global_size* and *local_size* are :mod:`pymbolic` expressions """ return self.get_grid_sizes_for_insn_ids_as_exprs( frozenset( for insn in self.instructions), callables_table, ignore_auto=ignore_auto, return_dict=return_dict) # }}} # {{{ local memory @memoize_method def local_var_names(self): from import AddressSpace return { for tv in self.temporary_variables.values() if tv.address_space == AddressSpace.LOCAL} def local_mem_use(self): from import AddressSpace return sum( tv.nbytes for tv in self.temporary_variables.values() if tv.address_space == AddressSpace.LOCAL) # }}} # {{{ nosync sets @memoize_method def get_nosync_set(self, insn_id, scope): assert scope in ("local", "global") return frozenset( insn_id for insn_id, nosync_scope in self.id_to_insn[insn_id].no_sync_with if nosync_scope == scope or nosync_scope == "any") # }}} # {{{ pretty-printing @memoize_method def _get_iname_order_for_printing(self): try: from import get_visual_iname_order_embedding embedding = get_visual_iname_order_embedding(self) except ValueError: from loopy.diagnostic import warn_with_kernel warn_with_kernel(self, "iname-order", "get_visual_iname_order_embedding() could not determine a " "consistent iname nesting order. This is a possible indication " "that the kernel may not schedule successfully, but for now " "it only impacts printing of the kernel.") embedding = {iname: iname for iname in self.all_inames()} return embedding def stringify(self, what=None, with_dependencies=False, use_separators=True, show_labels=True): all_what = { "name", "arguments", "domains", "tags", "variables", "rules", "instructions", "Dependencies", "linearization", } first_letter_to_what = { w[0]: w for w in all_what} assert len(first_letter_to_what) == len(all_what) if what is None: what = all_what.copy() if not with_dependencies: what.remove("Dependencies") if isinstance(what, str): if "," in what: what = what.split(",") what = {s.strip() for s in what} else: what = { first_letter_to_what[w] for w in what} if not (what <= all_what): raise LoopyError("invalid 'what' passed: %s" % ", ".join(what-all_what)) lines = [] kernel = self if use_separators: sep = [75*"-"] else: sep = [] if "name" in what: lines.extend(sep) lines.append("KERNEL: " + if "arguments" in what: lines.extend(sep) if show_labels: lines.append("ARGUMENTS:") for arg_name in natsorted(kernel.arg_dict): lines.append(str(kernel.arg_dict[arg_name])) if "domains" in what: lines.extend(sep) if show_labels: lines.append("DOMAINS:") for dom, parents in zip(, kernel.all_parents_per_domain()): lines.append(len(parents)*" " + str(dom)) if "tags" in what: lines.extend(sep) if show_labels: lines.append("INAME IMPLEMENTATION TAGS:") for iname in natsorted(kernel.all_inames()): tags = kernel.iname_tags(iname) if not tags: tags_str = "None" else: tags_str = ", ".join(str(tag) for tag in tags) line = f"{iname}: {tags_str}" lines.append(line) if "variables" in what and kernel.temporary_variables: lines.extend(sep) if show_labels: lines.append("TEMPORARIES:") for tv in natsorted(kernel.temporary_variables.values(), key=lambda tv: lines.append(str(tv)) if "rules" in what and kernel.substitutions: lines.extend(sep) if show_labels: lines.append("SUBSTITUTION RULES:") for rule_name in natsorted(kernel.substitutions.keys()): lines.append(str(kernel.substitutions[rule_name])) if "instructions" in what: lines.extend(sep) if show_labels: lines.append("INSTRUCTIONS:") from import stringify_instruction_list lines.extend(stringify_instruction_list(kernel)) dep_lines = [] for insn in kernel.instructions: if insn.depends_on: dep_lines.append("{} : {}".format(, ",".join(insn.depends_on))) if "Dependencies" in what and dep_lines: lines.extend(sep) if show_labels: lines.append("DEPENDENCIES: " "(use loopy.show_dependency_graph to visualize)") lines.extend(dep_lines) if "linearization" in what and kernel.linearization is not None: lines.extend(sep) if show_labels: lines.append("LINEARIZATION:") from loopy.schedule import dump_schedule lines.append(dump_schedule(kernel, kernel.linearization)) lines.extend(sep) return "\n".join(lines) def __str__(self): return self.stringify() def __unicode__(self): return self.stringify() # }}} # {{{ implementation arguments @property @memoize_method def impl_arg_to_arg(self): from loopy.kernel.array import ArrayBase result = {} for arg in self.args: if not isinstance(arg, ArrayBase): result[] = arg continue if arg.shape is None or arg.dim_tags is None: result[] = arg continue subscripts_and_names = arg.subscripts_and_names() if subscripts_and_names is None: result[] = arg continue for _index, sub_arg_name in subscripts_and_names: result[sub_arg_name] = arg return result # }}} # {{{ direct execution def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Execute the :class:`LoopKernel`. """ warn("Calling a LoopKernel is deprecated, call a TranslationUnit " "instead.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) from loopy.translation_unit import make_program program = make_program(self) return program(*args, **kwargs) # }}} # {{{ pickling def __getstate__(self): result = { key: getattr(self, key) for key in self.__class__.fields if hasattr(self, key)} result.pop("cache_manager", None) # Make the instructions lazily unpickling, to support faster # cache retrieval for execution. from loopy.kernel.instruction import _get_insn_eq_key, _get_insn_hash_key from import ( LazilyUnpicklingListWithEqAndPersistentHashing as LazyList) result["instructions"] = LazyList( self.instructions, eq_key_getter=_get_insn_eq_key, persistent_hash_key_getter=_get_insn_hash_key) # Cache written variables to avoid having to unpickle instructions in # order to compute the written variables. This is needed on the # cache-to-execution path. result["_cached_written_variables"] = self.get_written_variables() # make sure that kernels are pickled with a cached hash key in place from import LoopyKeyBuilder LoopyKeyBuilder()(self) return (result, self._pytools_persistent_hash_digest) def __setstate__(self, state): attribs, p_hash_digest = state new_fields = set() for k, v in attribs.items(): setattr(self, k, v) new_fields.add(k) self.register_fields(new_fields) if 0: # {{{ check that 'reconstituted' object has same hash from import LoopyKeyBuilder assert p_hash_digest == LoopyKeyBuilder()(self) # }}} self._pytools_persistent_hash_digest = p_hash_digest from import SetOperationCacheManager self.cache_manager = SetOperationCacheManager() self._kernel_executor_cache = {} # }}} # {{{ persistent hash key generation / comparison hash_fields = ( "domains", "instructions", "args", "linearization", "name", "preambles", "assumptions", "local_sizes", "temporary_variables", "inames", "substitutions", "iname_slab_increments", "loop_priority", "silenced_warnings", "options", "state", "target", ) comparison_fields = hash_fields + ( # Contains pymbolic expressions, hence a (small) headache to hash. # Likely not needed for hash uniqueness => headache avoided. "applied_iname_rewrites", # These are lists of functions. It's not clear how to # hash these correctly, so let's not attempt it. We'll # just assume that the rest of the hash is specific enough # that we won't have to rely on differences in these to # resolve hash conflicts. "preamble_generators", "symbol_manglers", ) update_persistent_hash = update_persistent_hash @memoize_method def __hash__(self): from import LoopyKeyBuilder import hashlib key_hash = hashlib.sha256() self.update_persistent_hash(key_hash, LoopyKeyBuilder()) return hash(key_hash.digest()) def __eq__(self, other): if self is other: return True if not isinstance(other, LoopKernel): return False for field_name in self.comparison_fields: if field_name == "domains": if len( != len( return False for set_a, set_b in zip(, if not (set_a.plain_is_equal(set_b) or set_a.is_equal(set_b)): return False elif field_name == "assumptions": if not ( self.assumptions.plain_is_equal(other.assumptions) or self.assumptions.is_equal(other.assumptions)): return False elif getattr(self, field_name) != getattr(other, field_name): return False return True def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) # }}} def get_copy_kwargs(self, **kwargs): if "iname_to_tags" in kwargs: if "inames" in kwargs: raise LoopyError("Cannot pass both `inames` and `iname_to_tags` to " "LoopKernel.get_copy_kwargs") warn("Providing iname_to_tags is deprecated, pass inames instead. " "Will be unsupported in 2022.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) iname_to_tags = kwargs["iname_to_tags"] domains = kwargs.get("domains", kwargs["inames"] = {name: Iname(name, iname_to_tags.get(name, frozenset())) for name in _get_inames_from_domains(domains) } del kwargs["iname_to_tags"] if "domains" in kwargs: inames = kwargs.get("inames", self.inames) domains = kwargs["domains"] kwargs["inames"] = {name: inames.get(name, Iname(name, frozenset())) for name in _get_inames_from_domains(domains)} assert all(dom.get_ctx() == isl.DEFAULT_CONTEXT for dom in domains) if "instructions" in kwargs: # Avoid carrying over an invalid cache when instructions are # modified. kwargs["_cached_written_variables"] = None return super().get_copy_kwargs(**kwargs) def copy(self, **kwargs): if "iname_to_tags" in kwargs: if "inames" in kwargs: raise LoopyError("Cannot pass both `inames` and `iname_to_tags` to " "LoopKernel.copy") if "schedule" in kwargs: if "linearization" in kwargs: raise LoopyError("Cannot pass both `schedule` and " "`linearization` to LoopKernel.copy") kwargs["linearization"] = None from pytools.tag import normalize_tags, check_tag_uniqueness tags = kwargs.pop("tags", _not_provided) if tags is not _not_provided: kwargs["tags"] = check_tag_uniqueness(normalize_tags(tags)) return super().copy(**kwargs)
# }}} # vim: foldmethod=marker