How-tos ======= How to use struct types with PyOpenCL ------------------------------------- We import and initialize PyOpenCL as usual: .. doctest:: :options: +ELLIPSIS >>> import numpy as np >>> import pyopencl as cl >>> import >>> import pyopencl.array >>> ctx = cl.create_some_context(interactive=False) >>> queue = cl.CommandQueue(ctx) Then, suppose we would like to declare a struct consisting of an integer and a floating point number. We first create a :class:`numpy.dtype` along these lines: .. doctest:: >>> my_struct = np.dtype([("field1", np.int32), ("field2", np.float32)]) >>> print(my_struct) [('field1', '`__. So as a first step, we match our dtype against CL's version: .. doctest:: >>> my_struct, my_struct_c_decl = ... ctx.devices[0], "my_struct", my_struct) >>> print(my_struct_c_decl) typedef struct { int field1; float field2; } my_struct; We then tell PyOpenCL about our new type. .. doctest:: >>> my_struct ="my_struct", my_struct) Next, we can create some data of that type on the host and transfer it to the device: .. doctest:: >>> ary_host = np.empty(20, my_struct) >>> ary_host["field1"].fill(217) >>> ary_host["field2"].fill(1000) >>> ary_host[13]["field2"] = 12 >>> print(ary_host) #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [(217, 1000.) (217, 1000.) (217, 1000.) (217, 1000.) (217, 1000.) (217, 1000.) (217, 1000.) (217, 1000.) (217, 1000.) (217, 1000.) (217, 1000.) (217, 1000.) (217, 1000.) (217, 12.) (217, 1000.) (217, 1000.) (217, 1000.) (217, 1000.) (217, 1000.) (217, 1000.)] >>> ary = cl.array.to_device(queue, ary_host) We can then operate on the array with our own kernels: .. doctest:: >>> prg = cl.Program(ctx, my_struct_c_decl + """ ... __kernel void set_to_1(__global my_struct *a) ... { ... a[get_global_id(0)].field1 = 1; ... } ... """).build() >>> evt = prg.set_to_1(queue, ary.shape, None, >>> print(ary) #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [(1, 1000.) (1, 1000.) (1, 1000.) (1, 1000.) (1, 1000.) (1, 1000.) (1, 1000.) (1, 1000.) (1, 1000.) (1, 1000.) (1, 1000.) (1, 1000.) (1, 1000.) (1, 12.) (1, 1000.) (1, 1000.) (1, 1000.) (1, 1000.) (1, 1000.) (1, 1000.)] as well as with PyOpenCL's built-in operations: .. doctest:: >>> from pyopencl.elementwise import ElementwiseKernel >>> elwise = ElementwiseKernel(ctx, "my_struct *a", "a[i].field1 = 2;", ... preamble=my_struct_c_decl) >>> evt = elwise(ary) >>> print(ary) #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [(2, 1000.) (2, 1000.) (2, 1000.) (2, 1000.) (2, 1000.) (2, 1000.) (2, 1000.) (2, 1000.) (2, 1000.) (2, 1000.) (2, 1000.) (2, 1000.) (2, 1000.) (2, 12.) (2, 1000.) (2, 1000.) (2, 1000.) (2, 1000.) (2, 1000.) (2, 1000.)]