Shells ====== Internal shell -------------- At any point while debugging, press ``Ctrl-x`` to switch to the built in interactive shell. From here, you can execute Python commands at the current point of the debugger. Press ``Ctrl-x`` again to move back to the debugger. Keyboard shortcuts defined in the internal shell: +--------------------+--------------------+ |Enter |Execute the current | | |command | +--------------------+--------------------+ |Ctrl-v |Insert a newline | | |(for multiline | | |commands) | +--------------------+--------------------+ |Ctrl-n/p |Browse command | | |history | +--------------------+--------------------+ |Up/down arrow |Select history | +--------------------+--------------------+ |TAB |Tab completion | +--------------------+--------------------+ |+/- |grow/shrink the | | |shell (when a | | |history item is | | |selected) | +--------------------+--------------------+ |_/= |minimize/maximize | | |the shell (when a | | |history item is | | |selected) | +--------------------+--------------------+ External shells --------------- To open the external shell, press the ``!`` key while debugging. Unlike the internal shell, external shells close the debugger UI while the shell is active. Press ``Ctrl-d`` at any time to exit the shell and return to the debugger. To configure the shell used by PuDB, open the settings (``Ctrl-p``) and select the shell. PuDB supports the following external shells. - Internal (same as pressing ``Ctrl-x``). This is the default. - Classic (similar to the default ``python`` interactive shell) - `IPython `_ The `IPython` shell can also be used in a server-client fasion, which is enabled by selecting the shell `ipython_kernel` in the settings. When set, the ``!`` key will start an `IPython` kernel and wait for connection from, e.g., `qtconsole`. Like other shells, `ipython_kernel` blocks the debugger UI while it is active. Type `quit` or `exit` from a client to exit the kernel and return to the debugger. - `bpython `_ - `ptpython `_ Custom shells ------------- To define a custom external shell, create a file with a function ``pudb_shell(_globals, _locals)`` at the module level. Then, in the settings (``Ctrl-p``), select "Custom" under the shell settings, and add the path to the file. Here is an example custom shell file: .. literalinclude:: ../examples/ :language: python Note, many shells do not allow passing in globals and locals dictionaries separately. In this case, you can merge the two with .. code-block:: python from import SetPropagatingDict ns = SetPropagatingDict([_locals, _globals], _locals) Here is more information on ``SetPropagatingDict``: .. autoclass::