Canned PDE Models

Base classes for operators.

class hedge.models.HyperbolicOperator

A base class for hyperbolic Discontinuous Galerkin operators.

estimate_timestep(discr, stepper=None, stepper_class=None, stepper_args=None, t=None, fields=None)

Estimate the largest stable timestep, given a time stepper stepper_class. If none is given, RK4 is assumed.

class hedge.models.Operator

A base class for Discontinuous Galerkin operators.

You may derive your own operators from this class, but, at present this class provides no functionality. Its function is merely as documentation, to group related classes together in an inheritance tree.

class hedge.models.TimeDependentOperator

A base class for time-dependent Discontinuous Galerkin operators.

You may derive your own operators from this class, but, at present this class provides no functionality. Its function is merely as documentation, to group related classes together in an inheritance tree.


class hedge.models.advection.StrongAdvectionOperator
__init__(v, inflow_tag='inflow',, outflow_tag='outflow', flux_type='central')
max_eigenvalue(t=None, fields=None, discr=None)
class hedge.models.advection.WeakAdvectionOperator
__init__(v, inflow_tag='inflow',, outflow_tag='outflow', flux_type='central')
max_eigenvalue(t=None, fields=None, discr=None)
class hedge.models.advection.VariableCoefficientAdvectionOperator(dimensions, advec_v, bc_u_f='None', flux_type='central', diffusion_coeff=None, diffusion_scheme=<hedge.second_order.CentralSecondDerivative object at 0x481b210>)

Bases: hedge.models.HyperbolicOperator

A class for space- and time-dependent DG advection operators.

  • advec_v – Adheres to the interfacer and is an n-dimensional vector representing the velocity.
  • bc_u_f – Adheres to the interface and is a scalar representing the boundary condition at all boundary faces.

Optionally allows diffusion.

__init__(dimensions, advec_v, bc_u_f='None', flux_type='central', diffusion_coeff=None, diffusion_scheme=<hedge.second_order.CentralSecondDerivative object at 0x481b210>)
max_eigenvalue(t, fields=None, discr=None)
bind(discr, sensor=None)

n-dimensional Calculus

class hedge.models.nd_calculus.GradientOperator(dimensions)

Bases: hedge.models.Operator

class hedge.models.nd_calculus.DivergenceOperator(dimensions, subset=None)

Bases: hedge.models.Operator

__init__(dimensions, subset=None)


class hedge.models.wave.StrongWaveOperator(c, dimensions, source_f=0, flux_type='upwind', dirichlet_tag=TAG_ALL, dirichlet_bc_f=0, neumann_tag=TAG_NONE, radiation_tag=TAG_NONE)

Bases: hedge.models.HyperbolicOperator

This operator discretizes the wave equation \partial_t^2 u = c^2 \Delta u.

To be precise, we discretize the hyperbolic system

\partial_t u - c \nabla \cdot v = 0

\partial_t v - c \nabla u = 0

The sign of v determines whether we discretize the forward or the backward wave equation.

c is assumed to be constant across all space.

__init__(c, dimensions, source_f=0, flux_type='upwind', dirichlet_tag=TAG_ALL, dirichlet_bc_f=0, neumann_tag=TAG_NONE, radiation_tag=TAG_NONE)
class hedge.models.wave.VariableVelocityStrongWaveOperator(c, dimensions, source=0, flux_type='upwind', dirichlet_tag=TAG_ALL, neumann_tag=TAG_NONE, radiation_tag=TAG_NONE, time_sign=1, diffusion_coeff=None, diffusion_scheme=<hedge.second_order.CentralSecondDerivative object at 0x4bd2990>)

Bases: hedge.models.HyperbolicOperator

This operator discretizes the wave equation \partial_t^2 u = c^2 \Delta u.

To be precise, we discretize the hyperbolic system

\partial_t u - c \nabla \cdot v = 0

\partial_t v - c \nabla u = 0

__init__(c, dimensions, source=0, flux_type='upwind', dirichlet_tag=TAG_ALL, neumann_tag=TAG_NONE, radiation_tag=TAG_NONE, time_sign=1, diffusion_coeff=None, diffusion_scheme=<hedge.second_order.CentralSecondDerivative object at 0x4bd2990>)

c and source are optemplate expressions.

bind(discr, sensor=None)


class hedge.models.em.MaxwellOperator(epsilon, mu, flux_type, bdry_flux_type=None, pec_tag=TAG_ALL, pmc_tag=TAG_NONE, absorb_tag=TAG_NONE, incident_tag=TAG_NONE, incident_bc=function, current=0, dimensions=None)

Bases: hedge.models.HyperbolicOperator

A 3D Maxwell operator which supports fixed or variable isotropic, non-dispersive, positive epsilon and mu.

Field order is [Ex Ey Ez Hx Hy Hz].

__init__(epsilon, mu, flux_type, bdry_flux_type=None, pec_tag=TAG_ALL, pmc_tag=TAG_NONE, absorb_tag=TAG_NONE, incident_tag=TAG_NONE, incident_bc=function, current=0, dimensions=None)
  • flux_type – can be in [0,1] for anything between central and upwind, or “lf” for Lax-Friedrichs
  • epsilon – can be a number, for fixed material throughout the computation domain, or a TimeConstantGivenFunction for spatially variable material coefficients
  • mu – can be a number, for fixed material throughout the computation domain, or a TimeConstantGivenFunction for spatially variable material coefficients
  • incident_bc_getter – a function of signature (maxwell_op, e, h) that accepts e and h as a symbolic object arrays returns a symbolic expression for the incident boundary condition

Convert the abstract operator template into compiled code.

partial_to_eh_subsets(*args, **kwargs)

Helps find the indices of the E and H components, which can vary depending on number of dimensions and whether we have a full/TE/TM operator.


Splits an array into E and H components

assemble_eh(e=None, h=None, discr=None)

Combines separate E and H vectors into a single array.


Return a 6-tuple of bool objects indicating whether field components are to be computed. The fields are numbered in the order specified in the class documentation.

max_eigenvalue(t, fields=None, discr=None, context={})
class hedge.models.em.TMMaxwellOperator(epsilon, mu, flux_type, bdry_flux_type=None, pec_tag=TAG_ALL, pmc_tag=TAG_NONE, absorb_tag=TAG_NONE, incident_tag=TAG_NONE, incident_bc=function, current=0, dimensions=None)

Bases: hedge.models.em.MaxwellOperator

A 2D TM Maxwell operator with PEC boundaries.

Field order is [Ez Hx Hy].

class hedge.models.em.TEMaxwellOperator(epsilon, mu, flux_type, bdry_flux_type=None, pec_tag=TAG_ALL, pmc_tag=TAG_NONE, absorb_tag=TAG_NONE, incident_tag=TAG_NONE, incident_bc=function, current=0, dimensions=None)

Bases: hedge.models.em.MaxwellOperator

A 2D TE Maxwell operator.

Field order is [Ex Ey Hz].

class hedge.models.em.TE1DMaxwellOperator(epsilon, mu, flux_type, bdry_flux_type=None, pec_tag=TAG_ALL, pmc_tag=TAG_NONE, absorb_tag=TAG_NONE, incident_tag=TAG_NONE, incident_bc=function, current=0, dimensions=None)

Bases: hedge.models.em.MaxwellOperator

A 1D TE Maxwell operator.

Field order is [Ex Ey Hz].

class hedge.models.em.SourceFree1DMaxwellOperator(epsilon, mu, flux_type, bdry_flux_type=None, pec_tag=TAG_ALL, pmc_tag=TAG_NONE, absorb_tag=TAG_NONE, incident_tag=TAG_NONE, incident_bc=function, current=0, dimensions=None)

Bases: hedge.models.em.MaxwellOperator

A 1D TE Maxwell operator.

Field order is [Ey Hz].

Electromagnetism with PMLs

class hedge.models.pml.AbarbanelGottliebPMLMaxwellOperator(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: hedge.models.em.MaxwellOperator

Implements a PML as in

[1] S. Abarbanel and D. Gottlieb, “On the construction and analysis of absorbing layers in CEM,” Applied Numerical Mathematics, vol. 27, 1998, S. 331-340. (eq 3.7-3.11)

[2] E. Turkel and A. Yefet, “Absorbing PML boundary layers for wave-like equations,” Applied Numerical Mathematics, vol. 27, 1998, S. 533-557. (eq. 4.10)

[3] Abarbanel, D. Gottlieb, and J.S. Hesthaven, “Long Time Behavior of the Perfectly Matched Layer Equations in Computational Electromagnetics,” Journal of Scientific Computing, vol. 17, Dez. 2002, S. 405-422.

Generalized to 3D in doc/maxima/abarbanel-pml.mac.

assemble_ehpq(e=None, h=None, p=None, q=None, discr=None)
bind(discr, coefficients)
coefficients_from_boxes(discr, inner_bbox, outer_bbox=None, magnitude=None, tau_magnitude=None, exponent=None, dtype=None)
coefficients_from_width(discr, width, magnitude=None, tau_magnitude=None, exponent=None, dtype=None)
class hedge.models.pml.AbarbanelGottliebPMLTEMaxwellOperator(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: hedge.models.em.TEMaxwellOperator, hedge.models.pml.AbarbanelGottliebPMLMaxwellOperator

class hedge.models.pml.AbarbanelGottliebPMLTMMaxwellOperator(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: hedge.models.em.TMMaxwellOperator, hedge.models.pml.AbarbanelGottliebPMLMaxwellOperator


class hedge.models.diffusion.DiffusionOperator(dimensions, diffusion_tensor=None,, dirichlet_tag='dirichlet',, neumann_tag='neumann', scheme=<hedge.second_order.CentralSecondDerivative object at 0x4e7ab50>)

Bases: hedge.models.TimeDependentOperator, hedge.models.poisson.LaplacianOperatorBase

__init__(dimensions, diffusion_tensor=None,, dirichlet_tag='dirichlet',, neumann_tag='neumann', scheme=<hedge.second_order.CentralSecondDerivative object at 0x4e7ab50>)

Return a BoundPoissonOperator.


class hedge.models.poisson.PoissonOperator(dimensions, diffusion_tensor=None,, dirichlet_tag='dirichlet',, neumann_tag='neumann', scheme=<hedge.second_order.LDGSecondDerivative object at 0x4e7ae10>)

Bases: hedge.models.Operator, hedge.models.poisson.LaplacianOperatorBase

Implements the Local Discontinuous Galerkin (LDG) Method for elliptic operators.

See P. Castillo et al., Local discontinuous Galerkin methods for elliptic problems”, Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering 18, no. 1 (2002): 69-75.

__init__(dimensions, diffusion_tensor=None,, dirichlet_tag='dirichlet',, neumann_tag='neumann', scheme=<hedge.second_order.LDGSecondDerivative object at 0x4e7ae10>)

Return a BoundPoissonOperator.

class hedge.models.poisson.BoundPoissonOperator(poisson_op, discr)

Returned by PoissonOperator.bind().


Prepare the right-hand side for the linear system op(u)=rhs(f).

In matrix form, LDG looks like this:

Mv = Cu + g
Mf = Av + Bu + h

where v is the auxiliary vector, u is the argument of the operator, f is the result of the grad operator, g and h are inhom boundary data, and A,B,C are some operator+lifting matrices.

M f = A M^{-1}(Cu + g) + Bu + h

so the linear system looks like

M f = A M^{-1} Cu + A M^{-1} g + Bu + h
M f - A M^{-1} g - h = (A M^{-1} C + B)u (*)

So the right hand side we’re putting together here is really

M f - A M^{-1} g - h


Resist the temptation to left-multiply by the inverse mass matrix, as this will result in a non-symmetric matrix, which (e.g.) a conjugate gradient Krylov solver will not take well.

Gas Dynamics