codepy.cgen – C-Generation Reference Documentation

class codepy.cgen.Generable

Bases: object

Generate (i.e. yield) the lines making up this code construct.
Return a single string (possibly containing newlines) representing this code construct.
class codepy.cgen.Block(contents=[])
Bases: codepy.cgen.Generable
class codepy.cgen.Module(contents=[])
Bases: codepy.cgen.Block
class codepy.cgen.Line(text='')
Bases: codepy.cgen.Generable

Data and Functions

class codepy.cgen.FunctionBody(fdecl, body)

Bases: codepy.cgen.Generable

Initialize a function definition. fdecl is expected to be a FunctionDeclaration instance, while body is a Block.

class codepy.cgen.Initializer(vdecl, data)
Bases: codepy.cgen.Generable

Preprocessor Code

class codepy.cgen.Define(symbol, value)
Bases: codepy.cgen.Generable
class codepy.cgen.Comment(text)
Bases: codepy.cgen.Generable
class codepy.cgen.Include(filename, system=True)
Bases: codepy.cgen.Generable
class codepy.cgen.Pragma(value)
Bases: codepy.cgen.Generable


class codepy.cgen.Declarator

Bases: codepy.cgen.Generable


Return a tuple (typename, rhs).

typename is a list of lines (most often just a single one) describing the type of this declarator. rhs is the right- hand side that actually contains the function/array/constness notation making up the bulk of the declarator syntax.

Return the declarator as a single line.
class codepy.cgen.Value(typename, name)

Bases: codepy.cgen.Declarator

A simple declarator: typename and name are given as strings.

class codepy.cgen.POD(dtype, name)

Bases: codepy.cgen.Declarator

A simple declarator: The type is given as a numpy.dtype and the name is given as a string.

class codepy.cgen.Struct(tpname, fields, declname=None, pad_bytes=0)

Bases: codepy.cgen.Declarator

A structure declarator.

Initialize the structure declarator. tpname is the name of the structure, while declname is the name used for the declarator. pad_bytes is the number of padding bytes added at the end of the structure. fields is a list of Declarator instances.

class codepy.cgen.GenerableStruct(tpname, fields, declname=None, align_bytes=1, aligned_prime_to=[])

Bases: codepy.cgen.Struct

Initialize a structure declarator. tpname is the name of the structure, while declname is the name used for the declarator. pad_bytes is the number of padding bytes added at the end of the structure. fields is a list of Declarator instances.

align_bytes is an integer that causes the structure to be padded to an integer multiple of itself. aligned_prime_to is a list of integers. If the resulting structure’s size is s, then s//align_bytes will be made prime to all numbers in aligned_prime_to. (Sounds obscure? It’s needed for avoiding bank conflicts in CUDA programming.)

__init__(tpname, fields, declname=None, align_bytes=1, aligned_prime_to=[])

Initialize a structure declarator. tpname is the name of the structure, while declname is the name used for the declarator. pad_bytes is the number of padding bytes added at the end of the structure. fields is a list of Declarator instances.

align_bytes is an integer that causes the structure to be padded to an integer multiple of itself. aligned_prime_to is a list of integers. If the resulting structure’s size is s, then s//align_bytes will be made prime to all numbers in aligned_prime_to. (Sounds obscure? It’s needed for avoiding bank conflicts in CUDA programming.)

Build a binary, packed representation of self in a str instance with members set to the values specified in kwargs.

Build a binary, packed representation of self in a str instance with members set to the values specified in kwargs.

Unlike make(), not all members have to occur in kwargs.

Return the number of bytes occupied by this struct.
Return the format of the struct as digested by the struct module.

Nested Declarators

class codepy.cgen.NestedDeclarator(subdecl)
Bases: codepy.cgen.Declarator
class codepy.cgen.ArrayOf(subdecl, count=None)
Bases: codepy.cgen.NestedDeclarator
class codepy.cgen.Const(subdecl)
Bases: codepy.cgen.NestedDeclarator
class codepy.cgen.FunctionDeclaration(subdecl, arg_decls)
Bases: codepy.cgen.NestedDeclarator
class codepy.cgen.MaybeUnused(subdecl)
Bases: codepy.cgen.NestedDeclarator
class codepy.cgen.Pointer(subdecl)
Bases: codepy.cgen.NestedDeclarator
class codepy.cgen.Reference(subdecl)
Bases: codepy.cgen.Pointer
class codepy.cgen.Template(template_spec, subdecl)
Bases: codepy.cgen.NestedDeclarator

Declaration Specifiers

class codepy.cgen.DeclSpecifier(subdecl, spec)
Bases: codepy.cgen.NestedDeclarator
class codepy.cgen.Static(subdecl)
Bases: codepy.cgen.DeclSpecifier
class codepy.cgen.Typedef(subdecl)
Bases: codepy.cgen.DeclSpecifier


class codepy.cgen.Statement(text)
Bases: codepy.cgen.Generable
class codepy.cgen.Assign(lvalue, rvalue)
Bases: codepy.cgen.Generable
class codepy.cgen.If(condition, then_, else_=None)
Bases: codepy.cgen.Generable
codepy.cgen.make_multiple_ifs(conditions_and_blocks, base=None)
class codepy.cgen.DoWhile(condition, body)
Bases: codepy.cgen.Loop
class codepy.cgen.For(start, condition, end, body)
Bases: codepy.cgen.Loop
class codepy.cgen.While(condition, body)
Bases: codepy.cgen.Loop

codepy.cgen.cuda – Extensions to generate CUDA-compatible C Sources

This module adds a few Nvidia CUDA features to CodePy’s repertoire. This makes CodePy a perfect complement to PyCuda: CodePy generates the code, PyCuda compiles it, uploads it to the GPU and executes it.

The PyCuda manual has a tutorial on using the two together.

class codepy.cgen.cuda.CudaGlobal(subdecl)
Bases: codepy.cgen.DeclSpecifier
class codepy.cgen.cuda.CudaDevice(subdecl)
Bases: codepy.cgen.DeclSpecifier
class codepy.cgen.cuda.CudaShared(subdecl)
Bases: codepy.cgen.DeclSpecifier
class codepy.cgen.cuda.CudaConstant(subdecl)
Bases: codepy.cgen.DeclSpecifier